What to choose grass for planting a lawn: a review of first-class grades, photos

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Even an experienced owner puzzled lawns in front of the store a variety of offerings: the seeds and mix all occasions in any quantity can turn a man into Buridan's donkey, not knowing on what to choice. Newcomers doubly difficult - they have no idea on what criteria to build and how to achieve the desired result. That the choice became easier to sort out the kinds of lawn grass detail.

Conceived to get your own football field, to organize a mini-golf tournament, to provide children with a comfortable lawn games or decorate a personal plot green lawn? We'll have to try and choose the right grass variety or blend.

Lawn grass. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Lawn grass. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

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White clover, red, meadow

Familiar to many clover has more than three hundred varieties, but only two dozen of them are suitable for growing in home gardens. Specialists in landscape design turned their attention to them because of the ability to quickly and reliably cover the ground a thick carpet, displacing weeds. Clover - wild plant, ground cover, so it lies on the nature of the ability to conquer territory. He was not picky as cultural types, but in terms of aesthetics - gorgeous and can easily withstand periods of drought.

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The most common varieties of clover:

  • white,
  • meadow,
  • red.

They all look great on the lawns, but the leader of the most popular is the white clover. It is characterized by dense foliage and slender stems of flowers.

Clover - a weed, so after the landing area of ​​the lawn should be restricted, otherwise it will start to grow vigorously. Gardeners do not consider it a big disadvantage, because thanks to this distinguishing feature of green cover is always uniform, without any bald spots.

The height of the clover sheet of about 10 cm, and the flowering period is doubled. Blooming plants begin in the second year after planting, at the same time it can be mowed.

Before planting the seeds need to carefully prepare the soil - clean it from the turf and roots weeds. On the box will usually fit all the nuances. Seeds of white clover on a 1 square meter charge around 20 grams, if there is no other recommendations. Sprinkled on top of their soil layer thickness in centimeter. After that, the ground should be compacted and thoroughly shed, preventing washing out seeds.

Clover lawns do not require frequent application of fertilizers, is only two times during the season. It is necessary to choose the potassium and phosphate complexes.
Clover. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Clover. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru


Bluegrass - too wild grasses, but their moodiness can compete with many cultural fussy. It is a huge plus - frost, so long keeps the lawn of bright green color. In combination with heat-loving, this property allows the grass to get out of the snow with the first warm rays of the sun. Seeds are available, quickly germinate and grow.

For the rest, with the lawn of bluegrass have to tinker. Immediately after planting, the plants require regular watering, and organic fertilizers. They have to be protected from weeds, carefully weeding and giving drown out the young shoots. Experienced gardeners recommend abandon monogazonov of bluegrass, grass combined with a more viable crops.

Important!That the grass has taken root more quickly, you can resort to the winter mulching. The desired result gives a mixture of sand, garden soil and soil in a ratio of 1/1/1. The lawn is covered by 3 centimeters.

Bluegrass sown in spring, the number of seeds per square meter in the two times higher than that of clover. The soil must first perekapat and level, add nitrogen and potash fertilizers. Before sprouting lawn watered every day, then - on the needs. While the grass does not take root, can not walk on it.

Important!, It is necessary to sow the seeds of grass on the lawn has grown evenly inside and out.
Bluegrass. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Bluegrass. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

Red fescue and sheep

Fescue - an excellent choice for decorative lawns that are not designed for frequent walking. Grass grows incredibly fast during the month of land covers a lush green carpet. It is noteworthy that fescue is well tolerated shading, it can be planted under trees and in areas that receive little sunlight. Drought grass is also not scared - you need a long period of time without watering, so she lost aesthetics.

Important!Fescue and bluegrass can be called the ideal pair. Lawn of green mixture is from early spring until late autumn.

Flow fescue seed 40 g per square meter. If they are high-quality, germination rate is almost one hundred percent, so no need to worry about reseeding. It remains only to water, fertilize and mow down the young shoots. It is noteworthy that fescue grows only 4 years old, so a uniform lawn need to update.

Illustration for this article is taken from public sources
Illustration for this article is taken from public sources

Bentgrass pobegonosnaya, dog and thin

Bent - the perfect plant for those who do not like to cut lawns. Grass never grows mark of 15 centimeters, so it must be mowed once a month. The coating looks well-groomed and sheared it more likely for an update.

Allotted area bentgrass gaining quickly and reliably, displacing other vegetation, loves fertile soil, but is able to live on any ground.

At the time of planting, to make fertilizer. For the convenience of very small seeds of plants mixed with sawdust or soil - flow turns 15 grams per square meter. The best time to work - early spring or early autumn, in the summer to engage in planting is not recommended - the seedlings are sensitive to heat and can be lost.

Name bentgrass - pobegonosnaya - comes from the particular plants to produce long lash sprawling on the banks of ponds. This feature is used in the design of decorative ponds.

Illustration for this article is taken from public sources
Illustration for this article is taken from public sources

Raygas years (ryegrass)

Raygas - a real athlete among lawn grasses. It is used to inoculate gaming, sports fields, even football stadiums! The plant can reach 70 cm in height, so do not do without a haircut. But resistance to trampling phenomenal! Powerful root system does not leave any chance of weeds and can withstand heavy loads.

Illustration for this article is taken from public sources
Illustration for this article is taken from public sources

Raygas sown in flat soil previously enriched with mineral fertilizers. Seeds requires about 40 grams per square meter. The only important condition for a beautiful lawn - uniform watering.

Natural grass growing without any extraneous effort, can also be an excellent cover for the lawn. With regular grooming unsophisticated audience did not notice the difference.

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