Spring and autumn processing of apple trees with copper sulfate - I talk about useful procedures

  • Feb 25, 2022
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Apple trees need to be treated with copper sulfate 1 or 2 times a season. It is best to do this in early spring or late autumn when the trees have no leaves. The standard solution has a concentration of 3%. You can make a dilute solution of 1%.

Treatment of apple trees with copper sulphate
Treatment of apple trees with copper sulphate
Treatment of apple trees with copper sulphate

Vitriol is copper sulfate. It has a rich color and dissolves well in water.

The solution quickly enters the fruit bodies of fungi and spores. Low-toxic substance is not dangerous for people and bees.

Benefits of copper sulfate

The tool is effective for the prevention of diseases and therapy of trees. It is completely safe and protects against many diseases. Convenient to use.

Treat trees only in dry weather. The agent does not enter the tissues of plants, it remains on the surface and is washed off by precipitation.

Apple processing

The drug is used against powdery mildew, moniliosis, scab and spotting. Thanks to the treatments, you can get rid of both larvae and adults. Sometimes the tool is used to make up for the lack of copper in the soil.

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Copper vitriol. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com
Copper vitriol. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com

Usually 300 g of the drug is required, which must be diluted in ten liters of clean water. This amount is enough for a medium-sized apple tree. To saturate the soil with copper, you must also use a 3% concentration. The tool is watered near the trunk circles. It is enough to repeat the procedure once every 5 years.

For the treatment of young trees, you should take a 1% solution and dilute 100 g of the product in 10 liters of water.

The instruction is simple:

  • take a liter of warm water;
  • put on gloves;
  • measure the required amount of funds with scales;
  • dilute the product in water, stirring it;
  • bring to a volume of 10 liters by adding water;
  • mix;
  • pour into a spray bottle and spray the apple tree.

Do not eat or drink while working. The liquid is sprayed with a spray gun on the above-ground parts. Watering is carried out with a watering can.

Tree processing
Tree processing

Processing time

In spring, the temperature outside should be from 5 degrees Celsius. It is better that the temperature is already stable. All shoots, skeletal branches and trunk are sprayed with the agent.

In autumn, processing is carried out in the third decade of October after harvest. The trunk circle must first be cleaned of leaves and debris. A 3% solution of copper sulfate will rid the trees of ticks, codling moths and fungal diseases.

In summer, trees can be sprayed in extreme cases. This is done in the interval between flowering and fruit formation.

If the trunks are damaged or dirty, they are pre-cleaned and cleaned.

Read also: I correctly use iron sulphate for spring processing of apple trees

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#apple processing#blue vitriol#garden