Peeling of the bark was observed in my apple trees - I figured out the causes, treatment and do not forget about prevention

  • Feb 27, 2022
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Only a lazy gardener does not grow an apple tree on the plot. How not to enjoy your apples in the fall! In a good year, fresh apples do not have time to be eaten. I make excellent jam from them, I make compotes, I dry them for the winter. And last year I tried to make wine. He has a very good taste.

Peeling off the bark
Peeling off the bark
Peeling off the bark

For a good harvest, apple trees must be looked after and looked after so that they do not get sick. It happens that the bark of an apple tree exfoliates. This is a serious problem.

Causes of exfoliation of the bark of an apple tree

Factors that cause problems with the bark can be different:

  1. Temperature difference in winter.
  2. Exposure to pests, including rodents.
  3. Various diseases.
  4. Growing mistakes.

In order to deal with the problem, it is necessary to determine the cause.


Often, bark beetles sharpen the apple tree, eating away the bark. Their larvae crawl while adults fly. They eat the bark at night and hide during the day. It is easy to determine their "work" by the moves they make in the cortex.

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Bark beetles on apple trees
Bark beetles on apple trees

fungal diseases

Such diseases are the most dangerous, since mold that affects the bark is difficult to deal with. The apple tree can die quickly. Here, unfortunately, folk remedies will not be able to cope. Fungicides will have to be applied.


In early spring, when the snow has not yet melted, and the crust is already there, it is easy for hares to get to the trees. They gnaw bark at the height of their height. Most of all goes to young apple trees with their thin trunks. If hares gnaw the bark in a large area, the tree may die. Whitewash and old tights will help save the planting from rodents.

temperature fluctuations

Even frost-resistant varieties do not react well to sharp fluctuations in air temperature. On the trunk, flaky areas of the bark are formed. With a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage, the apple tree is independently restored.


This happens infrequently. With sunburn, not only does the outer layer die, but the color of the bark changes to purple or red.


Excess nitrogen fertilizer

This is an indirect reason. A large amount of nitrogen fertilizers reduces the frost resistance of a tree, and in winter its bark suffers from temperature changes.

Bark restoration

If the bark is damaged, I remove the exfoliated pieces and clean it with sandpaper until healthy tissues are exposed. After I cover with garden pitch. You can also use resin or paraffin.

Treatment is as follows:

  1. From fungi I treat with a fungicide.
  2. Fungicides will also help against bark beetles.
  3. From beating with frost I smear with clay talker.
  4. I treat the neck of the tree with an infusion of strong concentration of ash. I make a compress out of it on the affected area.
  5. If the tree began to rot at the place of delamination, then I treat this area with fungicides after stripping and coat it with garden pitch.

Bark peel prevention

It is always more difficult to cure than to prevent. Detachment can be avoided by taking preventive measures. You can’t change the weather, but every gardener can protect it from rodents and provide good care.

What I practice for this:

  1. I water according to the norm.
  2. I feed in moderation, without violating the proportions. I apply nitrogen fertilizers only in the spring.
  3. I cover the lower part of the trunk with clay talker or wrap it with old pantyhose from rodents.
  4. I carry fallen leaves and cut branches from the site: pests, including bark beetles, can winter in them.
Binding of apple tree trunks
Binding of apple tree trunks

Flaking of the bark on my apple trees is rare, as I take preventive measures. But if this happens, I do not delay the treatment.

Do you have apple trees in your area? Do they have problems and how do you deal with them? Share your experience in the comments.

Read also: I correctly use iron sulphate for spring processing of apple trees

Another related article: Spring and autumn processing of apple trees with copper sulfate - I talk about useful procedures

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#Apple tree#peeling of the bark#garden