Ants on the currant: effective ways to get rid of in the spring

  • Feb 28, 2022

If in the spring I notice a large number of ants on currant plantings, I try to quickly organize the necessary measures to get rid of these insects.

Ants on the currant
Ants on the currant
Ants on the currant

The main danger lies in the fact that ants contribute to the widespread spread of aphids, which causes great damage to the currant, reducing its yield.

Ways to deal with ants

I try to use a variety of methods to not only get rid of, but also prevent the appearance of ants on my site.

Pungent odors

To scare away harmful insects, I use a variety of means that emit unpleasant aromas for them:

  • I spray the lower parts of the stems with table (4%) vinegar or ammonia diluted 1:10 with water;
  • I lay out balls soaked in lavender, citrus essential oil around currant bushes and in places where ants accumulate;
  • crushed pods of hot pepper or crushed cloves of garlic I scatter in tree trunks;

And also I plant around the perimeter of the site where I grow currants, plants that repel ants with their aroma. It can be chamomile, mint. Anise, parsley will do.

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Ants on the currant
Ants on the currant

Folk ways

I resort to getting rid of ants and effective proven folk methods.

  • I combine fine-grained sugar with soda in equal proportions. I add water. I water the paths with the resulting liquid, where ants are seen, as well as the perimeter of currant plantings.
  • I coat the lower part of the stems 10 cm high from the ground with soot, which I mix 1: 1 with linseed oil.
  • I prepare infusions: onion peel, celandine, tansy, etc. I spray places where insects accumulate.
  • I cut natural woolen fabric into ribbons. I impregnate with carbolic acid and wrap the lower sector of the stems of shrubs.

Chemical Methods

With the mass distribution of ants, I choose special, stronger means. I use "Muracid", "Ant". High effect demonstrates "Zarit Spider". I also use Klaus.

mechanical tricks

Having found anthills on the site, I try to dig them out. I put it in a bucket and take it to the forest. Some gardeners recommend pouring boiling water or vinegar essence into anthills.

I also practice other mechanical methods:

  • I'm preparing a trap. To do this, I pour a handful of fresh yeast with water, in which I dissolve honey and sugar in equal parts. The mixture should be thick. I distribute it in small containers, which I place under the currant bushes.
  • I cut rectangles from foil, which I wrap around the bottom of the stem, forming it in the form of a skirt. I put some foam rubber to keep the shape. Through such a barrier, ants will not be able to make their way up.
  • I buy special poisonous drugs. I lay them out in low containers or just scatter them around anthills.
Spraying currants
Spraying currants

Preventive actions

Of course, I try to carry out activities to prevent the extensive resettlement of ants in my area:

  • In spring and autumn, I dig up the soil, adding ash (about 200 g / m2).
  • I clean up all the weeds in a timely manner, loosen the tree trunks.
  • I do not allow dense planting of currant bushes.
  • I immediately remove all organic residues so that there is no accumulation of them that is attractive to harmful insects.
  • Every spring I spend sowing calendula, on which ladybugs willingly flock to destroy aphids. This allows you to reduce the number of ant colonies.

In the spring, before the buds peck, I spray the bushes with special insecticides.

I constantly inspect currant plantings in order to notice the presence of ants in a timely manner and organize the necessary measures to get rid of them.

What are some ways to deal with these pests? Share your experience.

Read also: I correctly use iron sulphate for spring processing of apple trees

Another related article: Spring and autumn processing of apple trees with copper sulfate - I talk about useful procedures

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#ants#currants#ways to deal with ants