An important knife parameter that most of us forget about when choosing a tool

  • Mar 02, 2022
An important knife parameter that most of us forget about when choosing a tool

Sooner or later, every person is faced with the need to purchase a knife. Blades have many options. First of all, most people pay attention to the external design, steel parameters and handle materials. However, there is another important characteristic that most citizens forget about. The first thing you need to know about her is that she can ruin even a seemingly good knife made of expensive powdered steel. What is it about?

An important parameter of the knife. |Photo:
An important parameter of the knife. |Photo:
An important parameter of the knife. |Photo:

We are talking about such an unremarkable characteristic as the thickness of the information of the descents. Convergence is the distance between the edges of the knife (descents) in the place where they begin to turn into supplies (places of sharpening the blade). Nowadays, this parameter is indicated when selling any cutting tool, however, as practice shows, many citizens do not even pay attention to it. What could be the effect of such an “insignificant” detail?

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Each knife has its own information. |Photo:
Each knife has its own information. |Photo:

First of all, the thickness of the information has a direct impact on the cutting capabilities of the tool. If the reduction is too thick, then even a perfectly sharpened knife will cut badly. And all because in this case the cutting edge has too large a sharpening angle. The result is not a knife blade, but a machete or ax blade, the main task of which is not to cut, but to chop. Good kitchen knives are the best example of correct cutting. They have it, perhaps the smallest among all such instruments.

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The thinnest blade of kitchen knives. |Photo:
The thinnest blade of kitchen knives. |Photo:

However, there is a small thickness of information of descents and the reverse side. The smaller this parameter, the more fragile the knife becomes. It is for this reason that even an expensive knife made of quality steel can experience metal chipping on the cutting edge when trying to cut something very hard. And as you might have guessed, the mixing knife should be chosen depending on the tasks that will be solved with its help.

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Some knives need thicker. ¦Photo:
Some knives need thicker. ¦Photo:

For example, for tools such as a machete or kukri, the convergence should be within 0.6-0.8 mm. Kitchen knives serve as a contrast against their background, the reduction of which should be from 0.1-0.3 mm. As for hiking, tourist and hunting knives, this parameter should be within 0.3-0.5 mm.

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