Strange devices in Pyaterochka stores

  • Mar 03, 2022

In Pyaterochka stores, they began to discover unknown electronic devices hidden (presumably by buyers) in the trading floors.

Strange devices in Pyaterochka stores

The employees of Pyaterochka, who began to discover these devices, made the simplest assumption that these were "crypto farms" that mine cryptocurrency using the electricity of stores. Of course it isn't.

Judging by the available photos, all these devices are built on the Raspberry PI.

Strange devices in Pyaterochka stores

The maximum consumption of such a device does not exceed 7 W (~ 5 kWh per month, ~ 25 rubles).

If you use "Malinka" (as the Raspberry is popularly called) for mining, it will generate an income of about 1 ruble (not a thousand!) A month, so it makes absolutely no sense.

All sorts of Internet servers are made on Raspberry PI with a USB modem. If the SIM is anonymous, then the server will be completely anonymous.

Not all photos show what is inside the "secret boxes". Perhaps some of them do not use a modem, but Pyaterochka's Wi-Fi (I think it's not so difficult to find out the password from it).

instagram viewer

It is difficult to say what these devices are used for. Maybe it has something to do with drug trafficking, maybe something else.

P.S. All photos are taken from the post Tikhon Smirnov.

© 2022, Alexey Nadezhin