Gooseberries: the lifespan of a bush and when the plant begins to bear fruit

  • Mar 09, 2022

The gooseberry belongs to the gooseberry family. Fruits have beneficial properties. The culture is unpretentious to planting and care, besides it is considered a long-liver and high-yielding. Let's talk about how long fruiting lasts and what it depends on.

Gooseberry. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
Gooseberry. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
Gooseberry. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©

The beginning of the fruiting of the plant after planting the seedling

The berry bush begins to bear fruit 2-3 years after the plant takes root. After six to eight years, full fruiting begins. Gardeners collect about 10-20 kg of gooseberries from one bush. With optimal care and implementation of agrotechnical rules, the plant actively bears fruit for 15-20 years.

Gooseberries can be eaten even green. They have the same beneficial properties as ripe berries.

Depending on the type

Varieties are divided by origin:

  1. American - have small berries, low taste properties. The culture is frost-resistant, has a strong immunity to powdery mildew.
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  3. European - famous for large fruits, excellent taste. Frost resistance is low, drought resistance is weak, does not resist powdery mildew.
  4. Hybrid - winter-hardy, early-growing, thornless, with large fruits. Taste properties are good.
Gooseberry. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
Gooseberry. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©

European varieties come into fruition 3-4 years after rooting, their shoots are prickly.

American varieties begin to bear fruit in their second year.

Growing conditions: site, optimal care

To get the maximum and high-quality harvest, you should study some of the features of the gooseberry:

  1. Culture prefers to grow in illuminated areas. In the shade, the berries shrink and lose their taste. The place should be calm, without stagnant water.
  2. Choose light, non-acidic soil for planting.
  3. Keep the distance between the bushes so that it is at least 2 m.
  4. Plant from mid-September - early October.
  5. Put drainage (expanded clay or broken brick) in the planting hole, and add humus (bucket), superphosphate (20 g) and potassium sulfate (15 g).
  6. In the spring, fertilize with nitrogen fertilizer. To do this, take ammonium nitrate (one matchbox) and dilute in water (10 l). Fertilize three-year-old bushes with fertilizer once every 3-4 years.
  7. Carry out shallow loosening of the soil and weeding from weeds.
  8. Make grooves around the bush and pour water into it for irrigation (3-4 buckets per plant). To conserve moisture, mulch around the bush with sawdust or peat. In spring and autumn, treat gooseberries from diseases and pests with copper sulphate, Actellik or Fundazol.
  9. In the autumn, perform pruning - shaping and sanitary, after the procedures, treat the cuts with garden pitch.
Planting and caring for gooseberries. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
Planting and caring for gooseberries. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©

Beginning of fruiting: timing

The timing of fruiting depends on the variety, growing conditions and care. Also, the period of entry into fruiting may vary due to the surrounding weather conditions.

Basically, the plant begins to produce crops 3-4 years after planting the seedling. After about 6-8 years, maximum fruiting occurs.

Life expectancy and fruiting of a gooseberry bush

With proper care, as well as suitable climatic conditions, the culture can live for 18-20 years. It can bear as much fruit. In seven-year-old bushes, old branches should be removed at the root. Young branches remain. Thus, the old shoots are replaced with new ones and the gooseberry bush is rejuvenated.

Gooseberries are unpretentious crops. But in order to enjoy a good early harvest, you should create optimal conditions for the plant and follow all agrotechnical rules.

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#gooseberry#cultivation and care#garden