The dispute about which side to put on the disc on the angle grinder, in its sharpness and popularity, can easily compete with the most pressing historical, political, automotive and football issues in the republics of the former Soviet Union. But what do manufacturers themselves think about this? Maybe the answer all these years was hidden in the instruction manual, which, as you know, no one reads.
If you look into the manual for the angle grinder, then there the craftsman will not be able to find any intelligible the answer to the question of which side you need to put the disk on the grinder - the picture is up or down. Considering how much discussion this fact causes, it's time to ask: why such an important thing was not spelled out in the main technical document for users of the tool?
In fact, the answer to this question is quite trivial. The manuals do not write anything about how to install the grinder disc, because it does not matter. If the design of the disc allows you to put it this way and that way, then you can do it in any way you like. There is no serious effect on security and performance of the disk installation option. For the same reason, there is no information about the "correct" installation of the grinder disk either in GOSTs, or in TU, or in foreign EN.
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Manufacturers of grinder discs claim that the structure of the abrasive wheel is uniform and the same in terms of working properties and composition. At the same time, different companies give different advice on how, in their opinion, it will be better to put discs. These tips change depending on what logic the master is guided by. Most often, it is advised to put the disk in such a way that the employee can always and easily see what exactly the angle grinder is “armed” with right now. At the same time, the companies add that there are no strict norms and recommendations regarding the correct installation of the disk.
Manufacturers also recommend putting the picture outside for the reasons that the paint of the picture allows you to provide additional protection of the tool from the impact of the clamping nut, thus acting as a protective gaskets. However, this does not affect the performance of the tool in any way.
In continuation of the topic, read about 5 things to know about battery grinder (which they won’t tell you in the store).
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