Why in the “Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” the bandits drove a bread truck

  • Mar 09, 2022
Why in the “Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” the bandits drove a bread truck

Everyone who watched the film "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed" must surely remember that the bandits in this criminal story traveled in a car to transport bread. How plausible is this and why did the criminal element choose this particular car? Couldn't they have looked for something less remarkable and more suitable? In fact, everything is quite simple.

Most of the Black Cat gang led double lives. | Photo: ya.ru.
Most of the Black Cat gang led double lives. | Photo: ya.ru.
Most of the Black Cat gang led double lives. | Photo: ya.ru.

The events of the film "The meeting place cannot be changed" takes place in the Moscow region in the post-war 1950s. and tell about the confrontation between the employees of the MUR and the robber-raiders from the Black Cat gang. The bread truck was chosen by the criminals, if only for the simple reason that they had such opportunity, because at least three members of the gang: Loshak, Pig-iron mug and Blotter live on the official position. Those. these robbers lead a double life and, in addition to the criminal life, they also have an unremarkable civil life.

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The same bakery. | Photo: 1kommunist.ru.
The same bakery. | Photo: 1kommunist.ru.

There was actually no choice of cars in the 1950s, almost all cars at that time were state-owned and, moreover, service cars. Accordingly, one of the bandits was simply an official driver of a grain truck and took a company car for criminal activities. There were also no ubiquitous cameras in the Soviet Union of the 1950s, and therefore it was not so easy to identify a car driving it at night.

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Such a machine would hardly arouse suspicion. |Photo: index43su.narod.ru.
Such a machine would hardly arouse suspicion. |Photo: index43su.narod.ru.

Moreover, with the highest degree of probability, the grain carrier would not have aroused suspicion either from the police or from ordinary citizens. The thing is that such machines worked in three shifts and drove in Soviet cities even at night, since bread was supposed to be everywhere by the opening of outlets. In the absence of high-tech accounting and control of cars, wouldn't such a car be the best cover? And especially in the post-war years, when the food situation was not the easiest. In addition, the fact that they used the state machine also played into the hands of the bandits, which also increased the credibility of such a night grain truck.

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The black cat was hard to catch because its limbs led a double life. ¦Photo: golbis.com.
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