I actively use wood ash to feed currant bushes - I share my secrets

  • Mar 10, 2022

Wood ash is quite often used as a top dressing for horticultural and horticultural crops. It is affordable, safe and does not harm the environment. How to use it correctly for currant bushes, we will consider in this article.

Currant. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com
Currant. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com
Currant. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com

Benefits of wood ash

Phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc are the elements necessary for any plant contained in the wood residue. For feeding currants, you can use both a dry and a substance dissolved in water.

To prepare the ash solution, I use 1.5 kg of dry material per 10 liters of water. First, I fill the ash with a small amount of water, insist 48 hours, and only after that I dilute it with the remaining liquid.

Do not use charcoal left over from coniferous trees. It is able to strongly acidify the soil, which will lead to health problems in currants.

Benefits of using

The coal residue is of natural origin, which means it cannot harm plants, animals, or humans. At the same time, ash not only strengthens the root system of bushes, but also helps in the fight against pests and diseases.

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wood ash
wood ash

The best results are achieved in the fight against aphids, moths, powdery mildew. To destroy insects and pathogens, I scatter the dry matter around the shrub, spray the leaves and shoots of the currant with an ash solution.

To strengthen the root system, I add dry woody residue under the root. I use about 3 glasses per bush.


I carry out fertilization from ash both in spring and autumn. I make the first spring top dressing before the buds bloom on the bushes, the autumn one - after harvesting. In order for the currant to receive as many nutrients as possible, after using dry material, I must water the currant abundantly.

In the spring I try to use an ash solution. Under each bush leaves from 7 to 10 liters of solution. After flowering, I repeat top dressing for the full formation of the ovaries.

Ash solution
Ash solution

Contraindications to the use of wood ash

The use of coal residue has no contraindications, since it contains only natural substances. But it is not worth using the material in conjunction with fertilizers containing nitrogen. Nothing bad will come of it, but there will be no benefit either - these substances simply neutralize each other's action.

From the foregoing, we can easily conclude that the use of wood ash will only benefit currants. It will strengthen its root system, get rid of pests and some diseases, and saturate it with essential trace elements.

Share in the comments your ways of using coal residue to feed currant bushes.

Read also: Manure for currants: I fertilize in the spring according to all the rules and get an excellent result

Another related article: "Fitosporin-M": I use the drug for the treatment of currant bushes. I tell in detail

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