Why do we need an incomprehensible hole on the plugs of modern sockets

  • Mar 12, 2022
Why do we need an incomprehensible hole on the plugs of modern sockets

So many modern electric plugs have some kind of mysterious hole. Its purpose is incomprehensible to the vast majority of people. It is quite obvious that the hole performs some function and is made for a reason. So let's try to understand the issue.

Sockets and plugs are very different. Photo: ya.ru.
Sockets and plugs are very different. / Photo: ya.ru.
Sockets and plugs are very different. / Photo: ya.ru.

There is hardly at least one person in the expanses of the Motherland who does not know what a pair of socket-plug looks like. Even children from a young age and those who understand perfectly why a mysterious contraption with two protruding pins is needed. At the same time, many citizens forget that in the rest of the world sockets and plugs do not look exactly the same as in the republics of the former Soviet Union. In different countries, sometimes there are quite “exotic” plugs and sockets in shape and appearance.

French socket Type E. /Photo: ru.wiktionary.org.
French socket Type E. /Photo: ru.wiktionary.org.

Actually, a plug with a hole is the so-called "European socket". It can be used with our sockets, however, in many countries of the European Union, completely different sockets are provided for these plugs. These sockets have a small protruding metal pin, for which the mysterious hole is intended. Such an outlet was invented in France. It is also where it is most often found.

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Different sockets - different plugs. /Photo: guide.alibaba.com.
Different sockets - different plugs. /Photo: guide.alibaba.com.

Why is this pin needed? In fact, everything is extremely simple. This is grounding. In a good way, for most household appliances it is not needed. Especially if the case of such a device is completely made of plastic. However, the European standard requires all appliances to be grounded. Is this requirement observed everywhere and everywhere? No, it is not respected. For example, in Italy, in principle, unique sockets with a vertical arrangement of holes for plugs are used. But the sockets in Germany are similar to the Soviet ones. True, along with the "national" are used and pan-European.

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It's all about grounding. /Photo: Twitter.
It's all about grounding. /Photo: Twitter.

In continuation of the topic, read about how to save on heating and electricity: Life hacks from around the world. A source: https://novate.ru/blogs/261121/61388/