Angry, but not angry: 7 facts about manul cats

  • Apr 23, 2022
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Angry, but not angry: 7 facts about manul cats

It is worth mentioning right away that the manul, for all its resemblance to a domestic cat, is poorly suited to the role of a beloved and loving pet. Some people do keep "Russia's most angry cats" in captivity, but such conditions are not acceptable for a wild and proud animal. In a wild cat, immunity problems begin almost immediately and life expectancy is significantly reduced. Moreover, in Russia, as well as in neighboring countries, the manul is included in the Red Book. Therefore, it is better to admire the fluffies in the photographs.

1. light weight

Manul is not fat. Photo:
Manul is not fat. / Photo:
Manul is not fat. / Photo:

Manul only seems big and heavy. In fact, wild cats are comparable in size and weight to most domestic cats. On the 8th month of life, a young manul rarely weighs more than 5 kg. Kittens weigh at all 100 grams "a piece."

2. "Fluffiness"

Manul is very fluffy. /Photo: Pinterest.
Manul is very fluffy. /Photo: Pinterest.

As noted above, the manul seems large and heavy. In fact, the first impression is deceptive, since wild cats have a very fluffy coat. On planet Earth, manuls have the thickest fur among cats. There are up to 9 thousand hairs per 1 sq. cm of Otocolobus manul skin.

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3. Time to get fat

Time to bulk up. /Photo:
Time to bulk up. /Photo:

Like many other wild animals, Pallas' cat is forced to gain "extra" weight before the start of the winter season. To do this, the animal actively hunts and devours everything that moves and squeaks during the autumn. Thick fur alone, without the help of a dense layer of fat, is not able to ensure the survival of the manul at -50 Celsius.

4. graceful chameleon

Time to eat. / Photo:
Time to eat. / Photo:

Because of its fluffiness and rather short legs, the manul seems to be terribly slow. Interestingly, Otocolobus manul does have some problems with overcoming snow. However, the specific coloring of the manul's coat allows him to camouflage himself on the ground, and the reactions and forces of the manul a feral cat is more than enough to “fill up” and stifle a squeaking or chirping breakfast.

5. No fixed abode

Bye bye! /Photo:
Bye bye! /Photo:

Manuls constantly change their place of residence, although during their migration from place to place "Otocolobus manul" from time to time the most unpredictable places settle down for sleep and rest. Most often, manuls are arranged between stones. Less often, they can choose the shelter of some smaller animal, which the cat had previously turned into saving calories during the hunt.

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6. "Who are you? I didn't call you. Go…”

Doesn't like people. /Photo:
Doesn't like people. /Photo:

Manul has practically no enemies in the wild. In fact, the only, main and most terrible enemy of the Otocolobus manul is a person. First of all, poachers who hunt manuls because of their fur, as well as out of a desire to capture and sell a cat on the black market. Unfortunately, sometimes people kill manuls without even knowing it. From time to time, wild cats are poisoned in the fields with agricultural chemicals.

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7. Big family

Almost all manuls in zoos are relatives. /Photo:
Almost all manuls in zoos are relatives. /Photo:

Today, there are about 150 manuls in zoos around the world. Interestingly, they are all related to each other. A great contribution to the study of manuls was made by Soviet scientists. What is there, it is "Otocolobus manul" that is the official symbol of the Russian center for the reproduction of rare animals. Pallas' cats born in Novosibirsk live today, including in zoos in Poznan, Tallinn, Zurich.

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