Some owners pour antifreeze into the heating system: why you shouldn't do it

  • Apr 23, 2022
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Some owners pour antifreeze into the heating system: why you shouldn't do it

Some citizens are seriously afraid that in the winter in an intermittently heated house, water will freeze in the pipes, as a result of which they will burst. Some owners find a very creative way out of this situation - to pump antifreeze into the heating system. It must be admitted that the method is interesting. However, it is still not recommended to use it. Especially if there was water in the pipes before.

No need to be afraid to leave the house for a couple of days. |Photo:
No need to be afraid to leave the house for a couple of days. |Photo:
No need to be afraid to leave the house for a couple of days. |Photo:

It’s worth starting with the most important thing: the water in the pipes can really freeze, as a result of which the plumbing or heating system will fail. Pipes will burst and will need to be completely replaced. Heating system repairs are extremely expensive. However, here it is important to think about a simple truth: if the house becomes so cold that the pipes of the heating system burst, then this will be the least of human problems. Why? Because under such conditions, all plumbing, including sewerage, will freeze and burst. And you definitely won’t be able to upload some kind of antifreeze there.

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If there is a risk of freezing, it is better to drain the water. |Photo:
If there is a risk of freezing, it is better to drain the water. |Photo:

Still, a properly built and properly insulated house will not allow the situation to develop in the manner described above. So, if the house is left without heating for several days, nothing bad will happen. It is possible to pump antifreeze into the heating system in cases where the house is left without a person for many weeks and even months. However, in this case, you can generally drain the water from the heating system for the winter. If the house is constantly heated, then antifreeze is not only not needed, but can be directly harmful.

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Better not. |Photo:
Better not. |Photo:

The following disadvantages of antifreeze as a heat conductor can be distinguished. The first is increased fluidity relative to water. This means that after pumping antifreeze, it may begin to leak where nothing has flowed before. The second is low heat capacity. Average antifreeze loses to pure water in this parameter by about 25-30%. Do I need to say that this is a very serious decrease in the efficiency of the heating system? The third is the high price. For 150 liters of such a coolant, you will have to spend from 12 to 20 thousand rubles. The fourth is filter contamination. After replacing the water with antifreeze, the latter is highly likely to lead to the appearance of sediment and debris inside the heating system.

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May it always be warm. ¦Photo:
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If you want to know even more interesting things, then you should read about how to save on heating and electricity: Life hacks from around the world.