A tricky way that will allow you not to pump out the drain pit for years

  • Apr 23, 2022
A tricky way that will allow you not to pump out the drain pit for years

Cleaning a cesspool can turn into a time-consuming and time-consuming operation. In any case, if you do not involve professionals with special equipment in this process. At the same time, there are many "folk" ways to solve this problem. One of these will be discussed today. Let's talk not only how you can save yourself from cleaning the pit for many years, but also about what non-obvious disadvantages this method has, which most advisers forget about.

The job is not pleasant. |Photo: strojdvor.ru.
The job is not pleasant. |Photo: strojdvor.ru.
The job is not pleasant. |Photo: strojdvor.ru.

The main problem of any cesspool is that silt gradually accumulates in it, resulting from the products of human life, carried away from the house along with dirty water. This sludge settles on the walls of the pit, and also leads to gradual clogging of sewer pipes. The latter, in turn, is fraught with the fact that water will pass through the system worse and worse. To prevent this from happening, the pit should be cleaned regularly.

Calcium carbide disappeared from construction sites. Everyone cleans the cesspools. |Photo: pulscen.ru.
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Calcium carbide disappeared from construction sites. Everyone cleans the cesspools. |Photo: pulscen.ru.

Some owners have come up with an interesting way to clean the cesspool. To make life as easy as possible, such citizens recommend using calcium carbide. This substance can be poured into the cesspool just when it is just starting to clog. The effect is noticeable almost immediately after application. Most often, 2-2.5 kg of this substance is enough for one cleaning. As a result of a chemical reaction, an alkali will appear in the pit - calcium hydroxide, which eliminates grease, silt and most harmful microbes.

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The method works only with systems that drain dirt into the ground. |Photo: 999.md.
The method works only with systems that drain dirt into the ground. |Photo: 999.md.

However, this method of cleaning the cesspool has several important disadvantages that cannot be ignored. Firstly, the main disadvantage is that in the chemical reaction of carbide and water - FLAMMABLE. As a result of the interaction of the two elements, acetylene gas is actively released, which burns. In the event of a safety violation, the consequences can be extremely severe. And improving the fertility of the soil on the site due to the spraying of a known substance is the least of the consequences.

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It is best to use the services of specialists. ¦Photo: stroy-tehnica.ru.
It is best to use the services of specialists. ¦Photo: stroy-tehnica.ru.

Secondly, the calcium carbide method only works when the pit latrine is not an isolated system and discharges waste directly into the ground. Needless to say, the use of such systems is an extremely short-sighted decision. After all, with this approach, the owner of the site has every chance of poisoning the groundwater.
If you want to know even more interesting things, then you should read about
"Penalty" for a cesspool: what is known about the supposedly strange law from the State Duma.