Processing cucumbers from aphids during fruiting

  • Apr 23, 2022

I think that all gardeners are familiar with such an insect as aphids. This small insect harms almost all green crops. I will talk about methods for controlling the parasite on cucumbers using home remedies and various insecticides.

Aphids on cucumbers.
Aphids on cucumbers.
Aphids on cucumbers.

Description of the insect

The aphid grows to a small size (2-3 mm), feeds on the juice of crops, causing them great damage. An insect of various colors: from yellowish to black, but mostly green aphids. The pest settles in large colonies in the lower part of the leaf plates.

The damage from aphids is very large:

  • draws juices from foliage and stems, which, in the end, leads to the death of the entire culture;
  • a sticky substance is released from aphids, attracting many ants;
  • becomes a carrier of infections;
  • counteracts the infection of plants with soot fungus.
Aphid. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
Aphid. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
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The main signs of the appearance of aphids

It is possible to determine the appearance of aphids by the following signs:

  • folded, withering and falling leaf plates;
  • distorted young stems and leaves;
  • accumulation of pests under the leaves;
  • sticky coating.

Ways to get rid of a pest on cucumber bushes during the fruiting period

Aphids can be killed using various means, such as homemade tinctures and insecticides.

home remedies

I usually use safer and more affordable folk remedies when dealing with aphids. I'll tell you about each of them.

hot pepper

Pepper infusion is prepared from crushed red pepper pods (40-50 g) and boiling water (1 l). Leave the solution for one hour. The cooled composition should be diluted in water (10 l) before use.


To prepare a nutrient solution, take a raw plant (150 g) or dried celandine (250-300 g), fill with a bucket of hot water, let it brew for two days, strain and spray bushes.


Garlic infusion is made from finely chopped garlic (100 g) and water (1 l). The solution should be infused for a day, then strain it, dilute it with liquid (9 l) and treat the plants with a spray bottle.

Soap and ash powder

Use soap to prepare this solution. To do this, take ¼ bar of laundry soap, wood ash (1 cup) and water (5 l), let it brew for a day. Wipe the affected leaf plates with a sponge dipped in this solution.


Dandelion tincture effectively helps in the fight against aphids. Pour the prepared mixture of roots and leaves (1 kg) with water, leave for a day to infuse the solution. Then strain and spray the culture with a spray bottle.


Tobacco infusion, consisting of tobacco leaves (400 g), crushed laundry soap (80 g) and hot liquid (10 l), helps against the pest. Let it brew for two days, then strain and spray the cucumber beds.

Be sure to alternate solutions during treatments, as aphids quickly adapt to the products used.

Cucumber processing. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
Cucumber processing. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©

Synthetic drugs

In addition to folk remedies, you can use synthetic drugs, which include:

  • "Aktara";
  • "Inta-vir";
  • Fitoverm.

Diluted insecticides should be used immediately after preparation, as they lose their properties after a short period of time. You should also strictly observe the precautions when working with some drugs, using masks, protective gloves and overalls.

With optimal care for cucumber beds, timely preventive measures, as well as detection of plant infection by a pest, you can prevent the death of bushes, and therefore increase harvest.

Read also: Tomato Effect F1 - a good salad variety with its own characteristics

Another related article: Cucumber seedlings: which cups to choose for convenience and benefit

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#cucumbers#aphids on cucumbers#pest control methods