Most often, sweet peppers are grown in greenhouses. It is in greenhouse conditions that the culture may begin to wither the leaves. I propose to consider the reasons for this phenomenon in more detail.
Causes of wilting
Pepper leaves do not suddenly begin to wither, this phenomenon causes a regular violation of cultivation techniques.
stressful situations
Transplanting seedlings from planting containers to a permanent place is stressful for any crop. Delicate peppers, even in a greenhouse, need to be transplanted in mid-May. By this time, the bushes should have from 10 to 14 main leaves, the height of the stem cannot be less than 25 cm. An earlier planting will cause weakening of the bushes due to insufficiently heated soil.
Unsuitable microclimate
Violation of the microclimate in the greenhouse is another reason that causes wilting of leaves in pepper. To maintain the necessary conditions, it is important to adhere to the following indicators:
- Humidity - To grow a healthy crop, you need to maintain a humidity level of 60-70%.
- Temperature - pepper is thermophilic, but excessively high temperatures will destroy the plant, which is primarily indicated by wilting of the foliage. It is also necessary to avoid sudden changes in temperature.
- Ventilation. The lack of regular ventilation leads to an unregulated increase in humidity and temperature.
Soil composition
Compliance with the rules of crop rotation is one of the main conditions for growing a healthy crop. Pepper favorably perceives the soil after carrots, onions, dill. Do not plant it after potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes. Also pay attention to the quality of the soil - weeds and fungal spores are one of the causes of wilting.
Excessive fertilization, increased acidity of the soil can lead not only to the drying of the green mass of the bushes, but also to the complete loss of ovaries.
Untimely watering
Violation of water irrigation in any direction will cause the pepper bushes to wither. The lack of moisture dries out the plant, its excess provokes rotting of the root system and the reproduction of fungi.
I recommend to carry out irrigation in the evening, as carefully as possible. Moisture should not get on the leaves. I advise you to carry out drip irrigation in the greenhouse.
Diseases and pests
Leaves change their appearance when peppers have the following diseases:
- fusarium;
- verticillosis;
- white rot;
- white spotting.
Pests that cause wilting of bushes can get into the greenhouse during ventilation, on clothes, underground. The most common among them are: ants, ticks, aphids, slugs, scoops, whiteflies.
Elimination of causes
To help eradicate pepper wilt, the following plan will help:
- Establishing the exact cause.
- Maintaining an optimal microclimate in the greenhouse.
- The introduction of balanced and complex dressings in the prescribed volume.
- Regular loosening of the soil and removal of weeds.
- Preventive treatments of bushes from diseases and pests.
In addition to the treatment of bushes, you should resort to other preventive measures. I regularly inspect the plantings and control their appearance, disinfect the soil in the greenhouse, study the susceptibility to diseases of each planted variety.
Wilting of pepper leaves in a greenhouse is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon that can be corrected with timely intervention. If you have encountered such a problem, then share in the comments what caused it and how you fixed it.
Read also: Pepper Tsitsak: cultivation and taste qualities of the variety
Another related article: What is the best way to plant peppers in a greenhouse
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#wilting pepper leaves#pepper cultivation#garden