Formation of cucumbers in open ground. Beginner Instructions

  • May 19, 2022
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Thanks to the formation of cucumber bushes receive more light and sun. This allows you to direct the forces of the plant to the development of fruits. Even in a small area, you can get a bountiful harvest.

Cucumbers. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
Cucumbers. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
Cucumbers. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©

Features of the formation of cucumbers

Some gardeners prefer to leave cucumbers to grow without shaping. However, in open beds, such a procedure is important and does not require much effort. When the fourth leaf appears, you need to pinch the main shoot. As a result, many lateral ones will grow.

How is the formation of cucumbers?

When thickened, it is important to prune the seedlings so that they do not interfere with each other. When the bush reaches 30 centimeters, it should be tied up. During the growing season and when fruiting, it is important to fix the plants and guide them.

In windy and wet weather, the garter is not carried out. The soil during the installation of structures should be of medium moisture. When pruning bushes, sharp scissors or a special pruner are required.

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Some varieties have female flowers that are placed on the main lash. This type of plant must be formed into one stem.

When finding female flowers on lateral shoots, it is important to get rid of the main shoot. Then two lateral ones will develop.

Some varieties do not require shaping. You just need to thin out the leaves.

The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©

Formation rules

When the lashes are fixed on the wire, this support serves throughout the life of the bush. Upon reaching 30 cm, the stem is already quite strong and begins to grow actively. It should have at least five full leaves.

Do not tie up a too young and fragile plant. Do not use synthetic or jute cords for garters. Fabric tapes about 2 cm wide are suitable.

If the lashes of cucumbers are short, then you can do without pinching and garters. You can put nets so that the lashes are attached to them on their own. There is an option to install wooden trellises, which also have a decorative function. For good fruiting, you need to pinch off the three leaves below and the lower shoots.

Formation of bushes. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
Formation of bushes. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©

To fix the bushes on the wire, two stakes 1.5 m high should be driven along the far edges of the site. A wire is stretched between the supports. Twine is attached to each bush of the first row.

He is thrown over the wire, then he is tied to a bush from a neighboring garden. Before the procedure, you need to pinch off the lower shoots and three sheets from the bottom. Subsequently, a bright cucumber green is formed. Plants feel great in such a "hut".

A mesh can be used to form cucumber bushes. You should choose a mesh fabric in a gardening store. Next, you need to take two beams and dig them into the ground. Beams are placed on different sides of the site for cucumbers. Between these bases, you need to stretch the mesh and fix it to the vertical bases with a wire. You should first remove the lower leaves and shoots from the bushes.

Read also: Pinching cucumbers - when and why is it necessary

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