The secret of glass droplets that can not be broken with a hammer, cracked after 400 years

  • Dec 24, 2019

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The mystery unraveled drops.
The mystery unraveled drops.

Prince Rupert secret mysterious droplets (droplets frozen tempered glass) is now solved. Thanks to modern technology, scientists were finally able to find out what leads to the extraordinary explosion of glass products, if damage their tail.

Drops of Prince Rupert, Prince Rupert as they slozki, also known as "Bologna bottles" have been known for a long time, however, the attention of scientists, these glass products have attracted about 400 years ago. Throughout this time, no one could find an explanation for the unusual physical properties of tears. However, when it was first produced droplets - is unknown, but is likely to glassmakers made them since time immemorial.

These are the kids.
These are the kids.

In Europe, special demand wonderful hack enjoyed in Germany, Denmark and Holland, as well as in England. In their last, in fact, brought Prince Prince Rupert of the Rhine. When Bologna flasks, as some kind of miracle of glass-blowing skills still noticed the recipe of their creation even kept secret! However, it is very simple in fact.

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Made drops as a result of a simple, but not very safe and requires special attention and care experience. In order to produce fancy glass tadpole with surprising physical properties, it is necessary to drip molten glass into cold water.

Do not difficult.
Do not difficult.

drops of the secret is that they have an incredibly high rate of mechanical stress. It arises from the fact that when you create within such droplets cool down much slower than outside. As a result, the product head turns incredibly strong. The compression ratio in it is 50 tons per square inch. In other words, you can safely drop hammering and nothing it does not happen.

Helped science.
Helped science.

However, if you cause damage to the tail of the product, the drop would break into tiny fragments. Expansion velocity fragments reaches about 6.5 thousand km \ h. For comparison: the speed of sound in air is 1.2 thousand km \ h. Burst drops due to the aforementioned mechanical stress, which breaks the balance in resulting from damage to the tail artifacts, which leads to an instantaneous dissemination microscopic cracks.

Continuing the theme 10 mysterious ancient objects, which put in modern scholars to a standstill even today.

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