Do I need ventilation in the bath, and why is it much more comfortable and useful?

  • Jul 07, 2022

In order for you to feel as comfortable as possible in the steam room, to benefit from bath procedures, it must comply with the optimal temperature and humidity conditions. Comfortable indicators of humidity in the steam room range from 30 to 65%. If the humidity is higher, you will not get any benefit from the procedure, but rather the opposite.

Do I need ventilation in the bath, and why is it much more comfortable and useful with it?
In baths not made of wood, ventilation must be provided. Buildings made of natural materials "breathe" by themselves, so ventilation is not necessary in them.

In the absence of ventilation, the steam room will heat up unevenly: it will be hottest near the stove, and cooler near the floor and walls.

Do I need ventilation in the bath, and why is it much more comfortable and useful with it?

The amount of heat in the bath depends on the location of the vent. The less heat will escape - the less fuel will be needed.

The upper outlet is needed when the steam room becomes too hot and you want to urgently lower the temperature.

The design of the ventilation system in the bath is worked out individually for each bath, and depends on the model and power of the stove, as well as on the size of the bath.
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Outdoor air must certainly pass next to the heater or through the stove. The air inlet hole is made a little lower than the heater, and for the outlet - on the opposite wall at the top.

An excerpt from the book "Russian chopped bath", Korepin A.A., 2011
An excerpt from the book "Russian chopped bath", Korepin A.A., 2011

There is an option for arranging the outlet through the furnace. If the firebox is in a steam room, use a blower or pipes (ceramic or metal) with dampers.

This system allows you to adjust the temperature in the steam room and the level of humidity at any time. The disadvantage is that it is quite difficult to correctly perform system calculations. But once you work hard, in the future you will save on fuel, as well as provide the most comfortable atmosphere in the bath.

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