Pink salmon is not a fish: is it true that fishermen in Kamchatka only feed it to dogs

  • Jul 14, 2022
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Pink salmon is not a fish: is it true that fishermen in Kamchatka only feed it to dogs

Once I heard that in the north, local fishermen do not eat pink salmon at all and only feed it to dogs. Such a statement sounds frankly strange, because it is pink salmon that is one of the main commercial fish of the Russian Federation. It's time to try to understand this difficult issue and find out why pink salmon is still not popular among the locals.

Pink salmon is primarily caught for caviar. |Photo:
Pink salmon is primarily caught for caviar. |Photo:
Pink salmon is primarily caught for caviar. |Photo:

Pink salmon, aka "Pink salmon", aka "Oncorhynchus gorbuscha" is one of the most popular commercial fish from the salmon family. Every year, more than 260 million of these fish or about 400 thousand tons of pink salmon are caught in the world only by industrial methods. At the same time, about 140 million fish are caught by the Russian Federation every year. In second place are the United States of America, which catch about 100 million pink salmon per year. Fish is harvested mainly for caviar, but it is also harvested for meat. The cost of pink salmon in Kamchatka is about 165 rubles per kilogram (average wholesale price). In Moscow, the price tag is already growing to 205 rubles per kilogram.

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The main problem of pink salmon in the way of storage. |Photo:
The main problem of pink salmon in the way of storage. |Photo:

I wonder how much another popular fish costs? A kilogram of pollock has a wholesale price of 130 rubles per kilogram, blue whiting - 100 rubles, the cost of nerkutsena exceeds 800 rubles, and the price tag for coho salmon will be guaranteed to be more than 700 rubles. Thus, pink salmon is affordable, but far from being the cheapest fish. And here, remembering its industrial preparation, it's time to shout: they don't eat themselves, because dear! But what does this have to do with private fishing? Actually the reason is different.

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It is very popular in Kamchatka. |Photo:
It is very popular in Kamchatka. |Photo:

It's all about the characteristics of pink salmon meat. The thing is, it's very thin. It is almost impossible to engage in long-term storage of such fish using "folk" methods. Long-term storage of fish is possible only when using a special freezer. Is it necessary to say that a rare person on the planet can afford a personal freezer for fish somewhere in the cellar in the country? Although this thing is extremely useful, it is still unreasonably expensive in a private economy.

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Tastes so-so. |Photo:
Tastes so-so. |Photo:

So it turns out that for an ordinary person, the only way to ensure long-term storage of pink salmon is to resort to salting it. But if after that the pink salmon is soaked and withered, its physical condition and taste will cause a lot of unpleasant questions for the fisherman. The closest you can compare soaked salted pink salmon is a doormat. Fortunately, I haven't tried the doormat yet, but from the outside, the fish looks exactly like this... Therefore, the locals prefer to catch other types of fish that are much more suitable for salting.

If pink salmon comes across, then it is mostly of interest only as a source of caviar. Because of its taste, even fresh fish is not popular. It can even be said that the seaside residents, unlike those who live in the depths of the mainland, are “spoiled” in this regard with an assortment.
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