6 ancient artifacts that have miraculously survived to this day

  • Jul 23, 2022
6 ancient artifacts that have miraculously survived to this day

Mankind throughout its history has sought not only to preserve and increase important things for itself, but also to pass them on to future generations. That is why, without exception, the ancient finds of archaeologists are always an exciting discovery not only for the researchers themselves, but also for the townsfolk. The rarest artifacts from ancient times are fraught with unique information, so they are trying to study them as much as possible and save them for posterity. Your attention is the "six" of unique ancient artifacts that have miraculously survived to this day.

1. Silver Scroll of Jerash

A unique scroll with the texts of an ancient sorcerer. Photo: amateur.media
A unique scroll with the texts of an ancient sorcerer. /Photo: diletant.media
A unique scroll with the texts of an ancient sorcerer. /Photo: diletant.media

The history of the discovery of this relic is interesting in itself, because it was discovered after being destroyed as a result of ancient earthquake at home, inside an ancient amulet estimated to be 1,300 years old years. The scroll contains the text of a certain magic spell, which, presumably, belonged to one of the Jewish sorcerers who lived in the town of Jerash, on the territory of modern Jordan. The artifact is truly unique: not only is the scroll silver, but also its thickness, according to Novate.ru, is no more than 0.1 millimeters.

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2. Coptic handbook

An ancient guide to magic. /Photo: elementy.ru
An ancient guide to magic. /Photo: elementy.ru

The Coptic reference book is a folio dated approximately to the 7th-8th centuries AD, and was found in Upper Egypt, where this people lived. The parchment has 20 pages, which contain the texts of spells for a variety of life situations, and therefore the researchers called it the "Reference book of ritual power." According to the official version of historians regarding this source, it was composed by representatives of some ancient proto-Christian community or sect, and the book itself is a kind of manual on ancient spells and rituals.

3. Shigir idol

Amazing state of preservation for a wooden idol. /Photo: megalithica.ru
Amazing state of preservation for a wooden idol. /Photo: megalithica.ru

The Shigir idol is called a truly unique archaeological find, and all because, according to all laws, it should not have been preserved to this day. This became possible due to two things: firstly, as the material for it in the manufacture was chosen quite durable wood - larch, and secondly, they found it in a peat bog, which since ancient times was considered beautiful preservative. According to some researchers, the lunar calendar is carved on the Shigir idol, and another version says that the idol is a sculpture of the goddess of death and disease Mara,

4. "Devil's Bible" or Codex Gigas

A great find in every way. /Photo: pinterest.com
A great find in every way. /Photo: pinterest.com

The literally great manuscript in the form of a book, containing more than three hundred pages, was created around the beginning of the 13th century. It contains the unique knowledge of the Benedictine Order: from Holy Scripture to a detailed encyclopedia of knowledge that at that time was generally available to human civilization. And its nickname - "The Devil's Bible" - she got due to the fact that a full-size image of Satan was placed on one of the pages. There is a legend about the origin of this unusual artifact weighing 74 kilograms: it is believed that its author, the monk Gigas, before the death penalty for multiple sins made a deal with the Devil, after which he managed to create this unique tome in just night

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5. Belt of the Virgin

Famous Christian relic. /Photo: stolica-s.su
Famous Christian relic. /Photo: stolica-s.su

The Belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the oldest and revered relics among adherents of Christianity as the only physical reminder of the earthly life of the Virgin. According to the surviving ancient legends, the Virgin Mary wove it from camel hair, after which she did not stop wearing it until the end of her death. After the belt was kept by the widows of Jerusalem, who passed it on from generation to generation, and at the end of the 4th century it was transported to Constantinople, where its probable owner was the wife of the Byzantine emperor Leo VI, who, after recovering from a serious illness, personally sheathed the belt with gold threads. And about a thousand years ago, the artifact was divided into three parts

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6. Shroud of Turin

One of the most controversial images in history. /Photo: 7factov.ru
One of the most controversial images in history. /Photo: 7factov.ru

The Shroud of Turin is the source of a huge amount of discussion, and this despite the fact that most researchers recognized it as a genuine canvas, which was used during the ritual of the burial of Jesus Christ. Moreover, this priceless artifact preserved the imprint of the silhouette of the body of the son of the Lord, as well as traces of his blood. Linen for all Christians has become a true testimony of the suffering of Christ. However, this does not cancel a certain number of skeptics who demand to provide irrefutable evidence of the shroud's authenticity, but such people are in the minority.

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