Why do soldiers in hot spots wrap the butt with a belt

  • Aug 17, 2022
Why do soldiers in hot spots wrap the butt with a belt

In some photographs from modern hotspots, one extremely curious detail can be seen: the butt of a fighter’s weapon is wrapped in some kind of mysterious belt. What kind of "tuning" is this and why is it needed? It is a well-known fact that people in such places rarely do at least something for nothing, and even more so for beauty. So, let's try to figure it out.

Gunshot wounds are a nasty thing. |Photo: celoxmedical.ru.
Gunshot wounds are a nasty thing. |Photo: celoxmedical.ru.
Gunshot wounds are a nasty thing. |Photo: celoxmedical.ru.

What is the worst thing that can happen to a person in a war? That's right, he can get hurt. In a sense, this is even worse than death, because if you perished from a stupid bullet right away, then it doesn’t matter. It's another matter if you were shot: pain, blood, scream. Worst of all, some wounds cause a person to bleed profusely. It's really scary: to understand that you are still alive, but within a few minutes you will lose consciousness and die... If nothing is done.

It's not a belt, it's a harness. | Photo: ya.ru.
It's not a belt, it's a harness. | Photo: ya.ru.
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And what can be done about a large part of the heavy bleeding? That's right - stop them! And very often in this difficult matter one cannot do without such a thing as a tourniquet. People rarely think about the fact that this seemingly simple contraption has been helping people since antiquity. Moreover, the tourniquet has been used in military field medicine since the time of the campaign of Alexander the Great. It is possible that they guessed before him before, but documented evidence has not been preserved.

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The harnesses are different. |Photo: lifeandlibertytacticalgear.com.
The harnesses are different. |Photo: lifeandlibertytacticalgear.com.

That, in fact, is the whole secret: modern soldiers wind nothing more than an ordinary tourniquet on the butts of machine guns. What for? The answer is obvious: if you and your comrade are shot, then you will not need to climb into the thirtieth realm of hanging equipment to find such an important thing. She is always at hand. After all, when it comes to bleeding, seconds can count. According to some reports, Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan began to use this method for the first time. However, given that the manifestations of soldier's ingenuity are rarely documented, perhaps someone somewhere guessed before even earlier.

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They started doing this during the Afghan war. ¦Photo: blogspot.com.
They started doing this during the Afghan war. ¦Photo: blogspot.com.

In continuation of the topic, read about what memorable "chips" were in the German MP-40 assault rifle.