6 misconceptions about passenger liners that still exist in society

  • Aug 27, 2022
6 misconceptions about passenger liners that still exist in society

Aviation is considered the safest mode of transport. However, the number of aerophobes still remains strikingly large. Moreover, many of them have never even flown, but they are still afraid. And after all, in many ways, this fear is born from a lack of understanding of how this type of transport works, and ignorance often gives rise to a number of unreliable facts about it. But a lot of ordinary people believe in them, even those who regularly use the services of airlines. To your attention are the “six” misconceptions about passenger liners that are still common in society.

1. A plane with a fire engine is sure to fall

Aircraft can fly with an engine on fire. Photo: gazeta.ru
Aircraft can fly with an engine on fire. /Photo: gazeta.ru
Aircraft can fly with an engine on fire. /Photo: gazeta.ru

In fact, a failed and even caught fire engine of an aircraft in modern realities will not make it fall. Today, liners in such a situation can be landed quite easily. In addition, passengers quite often refer to the phenomenon of a torch as a fire in the engine, which in reality represents is a relatively benign failure that occurs due to too much fuel entering the chamber combustion.

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2. A lightning strike on an airplane is devastating.

Lightning is not as scary as it is painted. /Photo: yaustal.com
Lightning is not as scary as it is painted. /Photo: yaustal.com

In the early days of aviation, a lightning strike could indeed cause serious problems and even the beginning of a disaster for an aircraft. However, today the liners have a special shell, which is a shielding mesh, better known as a "cage Faraday "- it allows the aircraft to conduct electricity, but not to miss the discharge to the crew, passengers and onboard systems. In fairness, it is worth clarifying that sometimes electronics can be damaged by lightning, but therefore it is duplicated in aircraft. But even if the damage to the avionics is threatening, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the professionalism of the pilots allows you to fly to your destination or return without any problems.

3. The contents of the toilets of the aircraft are dumped during the flight to the ground

The contents of the toilet are not dumped on anyone's heads. /Photo: city.travel
The contents of the toilet are not dumped on anyone's heads. /Photo: city.travel

One of the most common myths about passenger planes is related to the toilet - they say that flushing occurs directly into the sky, like in old railway trains. But in reality, everything happens in a completely ecological and civilized way. Toilets are cleaned from service waste at the airport using special equipment. And during the flight, all waste products are collected in a special tank due to the use of a vacuum method - it is cleaned on the ground.

4. The pilot of an airplane has unlimited power.

The pilot is not so omnipotent. /Photo: info-profi.net
The pilot is not so omnipotent. /Photo: info-profi.net

This myth has migrated to the people from the cinematic stamp of many romantic films: a couple in love wants to immediately get married right on board the aircraft, and the crew commander crowns them. By the way, the same powers are often attributed to ship captains. But in fact, they are not so omnipotent: the maximum that they can do is to calm down a violent passenger, including with the use of force, and then disembark him after landing, including an emergency one. In some cases, the captain of the aircraft may well dispose of the baggage, dropping the excess from the board, if necessary to maintain the safety of the liner.

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5. Airplanes drop pollutants in mid-flight

Stripes in the sky are safe. /Photo: rbk.ru
Stripes in the sky are safe. /Photo: rbk.ru

Many fans of conspiracy theories are very fond of attributing the conspiracy theory to “chemtrails” - this is what the white traces of the aircraft are called. Versions are circulating in society that poisons and even viruses are dumped on people in this way. But in reality, these traces are called condensation, or inversion. And they are formed when an aircraft burns aviation fuel, and it throws out hot humid air, which, mixing with colder air around, forms water vapor - that the very trace.

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6. If an airplane wing swings, it will break.

Aircraft wings sway during flight, and this is normal. /Photo: media56.ru
Aircraft wings sway during flight, and this is normal. /Photo: media56.ru

Similar to a burning engine, many passengers believe that if a wing wobbles in flight, it is about to fall off. Indeed, in the air, the wing can bend and sway. This happens especially often during turbulence. But it is designed for this, and it cannot fall off, because it simply resists the flow of air. And not a single self-respecting aircraft designer will allow himself not to check the wings of his liner at maximum loads.

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