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Life is changing rapidly, and with it the format of communication between people. For example, not so long ago people could not think insert a smiley in a letter to his boss. As for the speech, it still remains the factor by which judged on education, culture and human competence. And most importantly - there are words which should be avoided in conversations with colleagues and partners, if you do not want to pass for a man unreliable.
1. Perhaps / Maybe / Maybe
Although it is one of the most common words in the Russian language, but they but they make the person uncertain in the eyes of the interlocutor. These introductory words are very easy to incorporate almost any phrase, but they look quite disingenuous.
For example, invite someone your passion on a date, and in return receives something like:. "Yes, it can be" The next time you want to use something like an introductory word, it is worth to make a short pause and... remove the word in a sentence.
2. OK
Everyone can agree that this is one of the most unpleasant responses that can be obtained by text message. It makes a person indifferent and uncertain. In addition, it is not even a descriptive term which basically means "satisfactory".
The text form "c" may be perceived as the end of the conversation, or even passive-aggressive way of trying to be courteous. These two letters are the self-defense mechanism to avoid specific allegations, which could be used to harm.
3. breathtakingly
With these words, not all simple. If someone will tell about the incredible journey, from which just came back, the answer is, "Wow! That sounds great! ", Probably will seem sincere. But if you use the word regularly, it bude sound unnatural.
If you say "awesome" all the time, it makes people feel that the speaker does not have its own opinion. Anyone would prefer that someone used a few words to show his admiration, rather than constantly using one word.
4. huh
Perhaps the most common word-parasite is "hmm." Virtually anyone says it is much more common than you realize. In fact, simply replace it with something like "let me think for a while."
The goal will be reached is the same, but a long sentence gives a person more active kind and proves that he wants to control the situation.
5. As (similar)
If someone ever tried to look at-least an hour reality show, he knows perfectly well that the word "like" is found almost the most often. If you do not pay attention to this, that these words, even imperceptible.
But one has only to think and ponder in his speech, once it becomes clear that from this word parasite will be very difficult to get rid of.
6. In fact
This word is not in fact necessary in most situations. The very phrase tends to create the impression that all that has been said before, was a lie.
If you spend time reviewing the proposals with this phrase, it is easy to discover that almost all such words can be thrown from the phrase without changing its meaning, and even more - the tone of the phrase will be more direct.
7. Cozhaleyu
An apology can make a person seem weak and unreliable, if used in the wrong context. Although everyone should always apologize if the situation justifies it, too frequent use "Sorry", "excuse me" or "pardon me", it will look like the one who says, like, embarrassed and fears.
If someone really wants to apologize for something, he should not hesitate to use this word. But if he's just embarrassed or nervous, I should explain these emotions other expressions.
8. hope
Although the word itself should show a person optimism, in fact it has the opposite effect: the use of this word indicates that the speaker is not enough confidence in his words.
For example, when the boss says to make a record 2 hours, it usually answer "no problem, after 2 hours everything will be." If the slave says, "I hope, after 2 hours do", it indicates that he is not so sure.
This list successfully complement Two phrases that never utter successful people (and you do not advise!).
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