How to determine the quality of water from a well or well at home and can it be drunk without harm? 5 simple and reliable ways

  • Sep 04, 2022
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As a child, my grandparents always said that the water from the well is very clean. They also often talked about the beneficial properties of this water and that if I drink it regularly, I will never get sick. Of course, I trusted my relatives and did not forget to drink well water. However, her taste was vile.

How to determine the quality of water from a well or well at home and can it be drunk without harm? 5 simple and reliable ways
Many years have passed, and I realized that my grandfathers and grandmothers did not tell me something. Well water is not always as healthy and crystal clear as they claimed. After all, having drunk well water already in adulthood, I regretted that I had done it. It tasted disgusting, and my stomach hurt for two days.

Therefore, I would still recommend checking the quality of the water from your well. In general, a special device would be the best option, but not everyone has free money. I will share with you several methods. They can be applied effectively and simply and the purity of the water can be tested. So, let's begin!

"And the scent is like a dog's..."

No matter how trite it may sound, but before you eat or drink something, it is better to smell it. So it is with water. Its quality is not at all difficult to determine due to the smell (organoleptic method).

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You just need to complete three steps. First, you need to smell the water in a cold form, then a little heated and finally hot. If there is some kind of repulsive smell, you need to find out what can give it, or rather determine the origin:
  • 1. If the smell of charm is felt, this may mean that there is a lot of hydrogen sulfide in the water.
  • 2. In no case should you drink water that smells like bleach, because it can disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • 3. The smell of rot signals organic water pollution.
  • 4. If it smells of petroleum products, it means that they are present in your water.

Naturally, it is strictly forbidden to drink water with the above odors, because it can harm your health.

"And an eye like an eagle's"

After you have smelled the water, you need to carefully examine it. Water that contains many dangerous trace elements will be cloudy. In order to check this, you need to pour it into a transparent container.

Water tasting

We have already considered two methods. If the quality of the water does not suit you, you cannot take on the third method. But, and if you are completely satisfied with everything, then you can safely proceed to the tasting.

What does bad quality water taste like?

  • The taste of metal indicates that there is a lot of iron in the water.
  • Bitter water because magnesium sulfate is present in the water.
  • If the water tastes sweet, it means that the composition contains gypsum.
  • Organic contaminants make water taste rotten.

Water hardness test

Lime and magnesium in large quantities makes it clear that the water is hard. Therefore, this criterion is also advised to check. How to do it?

  • 1. First, pour the water into a glass container. Let it sit for about 30 minutes and pour it out. If plaque remains on the walls, this means that the rigidity is high.
  • 2. Pour a little shampoo into a bowl of water and lather. Foam does not appear? This means one thing: the water is too hard.

These methods are very simple, be sure to try!

folk methods. What other ways are there to test water quality?

  • 1. We need a piece of glass. Put a couple of drops of water on it. If the stains remain, this is a sign that there is an excess of impurities in the water.
  • 2. Pour water into a plastic bottle and leave it for five days in a dark place, such as a basement. If the water is of high quality, then it will not bloom.
  • 3. Boil water from the well in a kettle. If there is yellow scale on the walls, this indicates that there is calcium in the water, and if the color of the scale is brown, the presence of iron oxide.
  • 4. Add a couple of drops of potassium permanganate to a glass of water. A pink tint near the water indicates that the water can be consumed. If it turns yellow, you should not drink it.
  • 5. Soap solution in dirty water will precipitate, but in clean water it will dissolve.

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