Calendar care with strawberry spring on autumn

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Strawberry - a rather "bad" culture requires conscientious care from the beginning of the spring period and until the end of autumn. This article is about what to do and in what period.

For ridges with strawberry begin to "take care" more before the snow melts, and stop work when it starts cold.

The harvest of strawberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
The harvest of strawberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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In March

If you have already started the first warm days of delight and ridges snow begins to descend, cover with foil or strawberry agrovoloknom. This will contribute to obtaining an early harvest of berries.

The coating material is disposed on the arc that between him and the culture remains a layer of air. Note: the greater the volume of air under the coating, the lower the temperature values ​​strawberry can survive.

When the snow has melted completely, I come clean: remove dry leaves, a pair of scissors, cut the remaining antennae. Where grew the dead bushes, young plant outlet.

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When I come to restore, proceed to the treatment for the prevention of various diseases and pests. Cultures sprinkle one percent Bordeaux liquid.

If the soil is thawed, begin to loosen the ridge. This will contribute to the preservation of the accumulated over the winter in the ground water. Okuchte bushes, the roots began to grow actively.

Planting strawberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Planting strawberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

In April

If you want a strawberry plant in the spring, plant as soon as possible. April weather is always very different: it happens that in the middle of spring snow period still does not melt, and sometimes during this time period has blossomed buds. Therefore, when you determine the right time for planting strawberries, correlates it with the weather.

Seedlings of strawberries planted in the spring. Remember that the land must warm up at least ten degrees Celsius.

When the plant begins to grow its organic mulch or special film. During the rapid growth of leaves spend another prevention of diseases.

If you find pests, spray the bushes of chemical insecticides.

If the strawberry grows in the same place for more than three years, it must be fed. At the beginning of the vegetation period required cheesecake fertilizer containing nitrogen; when the culture of flowers, she needed phosphorus; and when it ceases to bear fruit - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

In May

Strawberry Ridge. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Strawberry Ridge. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Zemlyanichku garden, which grows in the tunnels, you must ventilate every day to the culture do not overheat under the sun. In the morning slightly open ends, and at night - close.

Strawberries that grow in the open ground on the night cover the spunbond since returning from time to time frosts can kill the culture.

When the culture is flourishing, it can settle on strawberry weevils. Then you need to spray the bushes infusion of garlic or other folk remedies.

The weather conditions are dry. To develop the right culture and bear fruit, I come regularly watered. By the end of May will start to bear fruit early strawberry (depending on terrain and weather conditions). Remove the crop in time, to carry out watering crops after ripened berries gathered.

If frequent rains, culture is necessary to protect against rot and mildew. Timely remove weeds.

In May, strawberry produces a mustache, takes away from the culture of many useful nutrients. If you grow strawberries in order to get the berries, not to reproduce, then cut the mustache on a regular basis.

Correctly adjust the number of whiskers, and will be able to enjoy a stunning crop of berries, but also get the planting material.

In June

Continue to harvest. At this time, it begins to bear fruit, and late strawberry. To avoid soiling and rotting berries, under the bushes need to lay a black stuff or pour chips. It will also help to save the strawberries rot and weeds.

Sockets strawberries can take root in a glass. Such cultures are cooked to transplanting to a new location after two or three weeks.

strawberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
strawberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

In July

When the strawberries will cease to bear fruit, remove the bushes with the old, diseased and damaged leaves. Ridge carefully spill, proryhlit land and remove them with extra antennae.

On the strawberry can settle strawberry mite. With damaged crop foliage cut off and burn. Then I come shestidesyatigradusnoy sprinkle water.

If cultures inhabit and other harmful insects, spray the bushes of various insecticides. And can help people, more secure means. Strawberries can suffer from spotty, powdery mildew, gray mold. Disease will help overcome one per cent Bordeaux mixture, add it colloidal sulfur (one hundred grams of funds to ten liters of water).

In August

At the end of the summer period on the ridge proryhlit good soil and make a complete fertilizer: one teaspoon a bush. By the end of the last summer month ends mustache planting, shrubs should be watered regularly.

Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

In September

Formed flower buds from them in the coming year will turn out berries. Remember irrigation culture.

In October

You must create the necessary conditions for strawberries to help her successfully through the winter. Ridge watering, the ground loose, remove weeds. Strawberry bushes okuchte peat, compost or humus.

In November

If the top layer of soil (five-seven centimeters) podmorz, ridges need mulch. This will help avoid pushing out crops from the soil. To hold the snow masses, lay on top of the leaves, twigs, stems of raspberries. So the plant will survive the winter.

Competently and spend time working on the strawberry for care, and you will receive a full culture and rejoice to its excellent crop of tasty berries. Listen to our advice and everything will certainly be wrong!

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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