Secrets of a good crop of crunchy cucumbers

  • Dec 24, 2019

Always use the following tips, and excellent crop of cucumbers will make you happy every year.

Rich cucumber harvest. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Rich cucumber harvest. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Tip One

When the heat is well established, each cucumber can consume up to three liters of water per day. If the plant you have managed to dry, it probably will be without the harvest: and fall off the flowers, and ovaries.

Tip two

When the culture is gaining strength, water it in the morning, and when it blooms and bears fruit - in the evening. And very warm, the sun heated water. Do not stop watering and in cloudy weather, we recommend just a little to reduce water consumption.

It is forbidden to carry out watering a strong jet of: blur the soil, the root system is damaged, the leaves and stems. Pour only ground rather than culture. You will need a bottle made of plastic, which are installed upside down, they wet the soil, not forming a crust on top. If you do not want to use the dishes can be made between the groove cultures and to add water.

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Do not spare the water for irrigation. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Do not spare the water for irrigation. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Tip three

Cucumbers picky to fertilize. At first, when they grow and gain strength, it is extremely necessary phosphorus. And when the first fruits zavyazhutsya require nitrogen and potassium. But we should not "lean" on the additional forage nitrogen shall not seek to accumulation of nitrates in fruits.

Tip four

When the first true leaf was formed, you can begin to feed up. Cucumber react positively to organic fertilizer. Fertilize infusion of mullein, or bird droppings. Since culture is not like a high concentration of fertilizer is better to make feeding frequently (every fourteen days), but in small doses. Ten liters of water enough for thirty or forty grams of complex fertilizers. When the culture began to bear fruit, increase the dosage in half. Many people like to handle every fortnight Culture sour milk or ascorbic acid solution (one tablet per five liters of water).

Fertilizing cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Fertilizing cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Tip five

If pieces of paper were formed burns, you've exceeded the dose of fertilizer. After each watering Perform additional forage crops leechki of water with a sieve, washed off to a composition which accidentally hit the cucumber.

The secret of the sixth

Fertilization takes place when needed. When you see the first cucumbers, look at their color, fruit shape, color leaflets. When cucumbers are light green with a sharpened tip, they need nitrogen. If extended upward, and tapering to a stalk bent hook - it lacks potassium. When the leaves are dark green, slightly bluish - not enough phosphorus.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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