Practical guide: Drop 7 Secrets correct use of conventional roulette

  • Dec 24, 2019

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 Seven original ways of using the conventional roulette.
Seven original ways of using the conventional roulette.

Roulette - a tool without which it can not do at home. However, for many of its application is limited to the properties of the usual line: out of his pocket, he made the necessary measurements and rolled up the back. Only the true masters of their craft know how to properly and effectively use a tape measure, and in what situations not do without it.

1. Why the need for a movable hook

Measuring tape from the object.
Measuring tape from the object.

Despite the fact that almost everyone in the house is roulette, not everyone knows that what her movable hook. Someone is not paying attention to him, but someone does and believes in marriage and tries to fix - rivet put to hitch lock. However, in short, only a few are used for other purposes.

Measuring tape with capture object.
Measuring tape with capture object.

In fact, the backlash compensation is used to hook thickness, depending on how the measurement is carried out, - the subject or with its grip. By adjusting the position of the hook, the Wizard receives accurate data measurement, since the measurement is always made from scratch.

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2. How to measure in the corner

Measuring tape in the corner.
Measuring tape in the corner.

Measurement in a corner or doorway - a task that usually brings a lot of inconvenience to the master. In fact, you do not need to try to rest my ideal precision measuring tape to the wall: it is enough to complete the measured distance roulette housing, and after that - to add to the result of its length. By the way, to find out the length of the body is also easier than ever, most often for the convenience manufacturers indicate the rate on the roulette package.

To accurately measure the length is enough to know the roulette housing.
To accurately measure the length is enough to know the roulette housing.
The length of the tape measure housing.
The length of the tape measure housing.

3. Measurement too long object

Measurement too long object.
Measurement too long object.

If stopped the impressive size of the object is conducted independently, it will help alleviate the problem here is a life hacking: roughly in the middle of the object should be to stick a small piece of masking tape. This material has useful properties: it is easily removable from various surfaces, and it is convenient to write in pencil. Next you need to make two measurements, noting at the point of masking tape, and from which measurements are taken. The figures are advised to write to the same piece of masking tape, and then - to add two results.

4. And once again about the movable toe

Fastener gripping screw.
Fastener gripping screw.

The plate rolling hooked on roulette all types almost always have a hole. Of course, the designers placed it there for a reason. The hole is used to be hooked on the nail or screw where it is possible and necessary to carry out measurements. The error results in this method varies only 1-2 mm.

The movable hook on the roulette allows measurement with minimum error.
The movable hook on the roulette allows measurement with minimum error.

5. Marking with a tape measure

Roulette as a compass.
Roulette as a compass.

Roulette of a conventional meter easily can become a compass or a marking gauge (instrument for marking and transfer of the workpiece drawings). It is enough to attach to the outside of the foot to the roulette compass with a pencil. Well, if there is there is an old roulette, then it can be converted into a drawing tool and use it only when necessary.

Roulette as planer.
Roulette as planer.

In the case when working with soft materials (such as plasterboard) can be dispensed even without the pencil. It should be at the toe notch carve needle files, and gentle pressure, leaving notes in the right places.

6. Space for your notes are always at hand

Place to record numbers.
Place to record numbers.

Instead of constantly remembering numbers, afraid at some point make a mistake, it is better prilovchilis take notes directly on the roulette table. The easiest way - to stick a small strip of masking tape on the body. If such material at hand is not found, you can write on the package, pre-treating the surface with sandpaper.

7. The division of the segments in half and on a few parts

Divide in half, not counting.
Divide in half, not counting.
Measuring tape from the object.
Measuring tape from the object.

This mathematical trick is simple and straightforward, but at the same time only a few use it in their work. To be divided into two any number sufficient to find him on the measuring tape and combine it with the zero mark, and the very tape folded in half. At the bend precisely and will be the response number.

Divide the subject into four equal parts.
Divide the subject into four equal parts.

If it is necessary to divide the length of the object into equal parts, and then we can do so without resorting to mathematical calculations. For example, we need four equal parts, then roulette be attached diagonally so as to correspond to the length of the closest round number, e.g., 200 cm. In this case, the level will need to put in divisions 5, 10 and 15 cm.

Non-standard use of conventional roulette.
Non-standard use of conventional roulette.

These simple ways to help turn an ordinary tape measure into a multifunctional tool. So much so that she joins the ranks Universal multitool, which will be useful in the studio, and a handbag.

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