Why Apple and pear leaves curl - Causes and Tips

  • Dec 24, 2019

In the middle zone gardeners apple grown in almost every area. Popular among gardeners and pears, so the characteristics of their cultivation everyone should know. Often, site owners are faced with the fact that the apple and pear trees are twisted leaves.

Often, site owners are faced with the fact that the apple and pear trees are twisted leaves. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Often, site owners are faced with the fact that the apple and pear trees are twisted leaves. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

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Why leaves curl?

In order not to miss the moment when the leaves begin to curl, it is necessary to inspect the garden regularly. This should be done at least 1 time in 2 weeks, then you will notice the changes occurring with plants.

Curl can manifest itself at any time, as the early spring, and the closer to the fall. First, the leaves begin to curl inward, then they curl, turn yellow. The tree thus looks as if it saps inside some kind of disease.

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Curl leaves often observed, and this phenomenon for several reasons. Cottager must accurately identify them, only then can you begin to act. If the cause is determined improperly, a gardener has taken measures to save trees, such an approach can only aggravate their condition.

If the soil is poor, there is low content of nutrients, the leaves react to this change in their appearance. These twisting also causes soil drying.

First, begin to deform leaves, located on the top of the tree. They wither, fall. After this change begin to occur with the lower part of the crown.

Nutritional deficiencies and moisture easily determine the initial stage when young increments become soft, their growth stops, and the leaves begin to resemble the tissue grafts.

Shortage of water is easily eliminated. 1 under the tree should be poured 4-5 buckets of water. You must strive to ensure that the land in the tree trunks was wet to a depth of 40 cm. Absorbing roots are not located in the trunk of a tree, and at the periphery, so do not need to pour water under the root, and be guided by the projection of the crown.

Harder to restore the balance of nutrients in the soil. First you need to water the ground around the tree, and then in the tree trunks to make 1.5 cups halls. It is useful to add ammophoska enough '30

After 2 weeks must take potassium humate or sodium foliar spray. After this crown should be restored. That situation is not repeated, you should promptly watered trees, make foliar and root feeding.

Prevent the occurrence of diseases on apples and pears can be if in time to water the plants, to make feeding and autumn handle means against fungus and pests. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Prevent the occurrence of diseases on apples and pears can be if in time to water the plants, to make feeding and autumn handle means against fungus and pests. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

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This viral disease spreading rootstock seeds during vaccinations. Most often, the garden gets infected plant seedlings at the time of purchase. At first, the young plants are planted in the soil to the leaves appear red marks, this happens at the beginning of the summer. Then the leaves start to curl, fruit on the tree formed a bright, unnatural color.

In the later stages of the disease in the apple barrel or pear appear divorces black or brown. Formed scarring and swelling, wood almost does not shoot. It can not save, so you need to cut. The soil required to be disinfected.

Prevent the spread of the disease is easy, if you do not buy seedlings from unknown suppliers.

Aphids, leaf roller, mildew

If the inspection leaves cottager found that they have a swelling of bright red color, it means that there krasnogallovaya aphids on trees.

Often pear and apple aphids usually appear. She sucks the juice, so the leaves are falling. If the tree is weakened, it can dry out. Aphids is fatal to young plants. The use of insecticides after harvesting to restore the appearance of the crown.

Detrimental impact on the trees in the garden has a moth. If not destroy, the crown loses up to 80% of green mass. Folk remedies against leaf powerless, so use biologics.

Deformation of crown begins, if the roll is powdery mildew. For the prevention of plants treated liquid Bordeaux solution in a concentration of 1%. Fully cured apples and pears may be using fungicides.

Prevent the occurrence of diseases can be if in time to water the plants, to make feeding and autumn handle means against fungus and pests.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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