New life of old trees: Tips gardeners

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Do not uproot the old trees, breathe new life into them. Start up the trunk of the old apple or cherry vines - clematis or climbing roses s you will decorate the garden Veterans luxurious floral dress.

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When pruning trees and shrubs in any case, do not leave stumps protruding branches - they can become a gateway to penetrate into the wood fungi, bacteria and other dangerous microbes!

The English style

The custom of planting trees under the old vines originated in England. As a result, old apple and pear growers have begun to please abundant flowering twice a year. For this purpose, a high ideal, quickly wrapped around the trunks of rambler roses that for a few weeks each summer tree crown cover for its flowers. Most Rambler blooms only once a year, but the flowering lasts from 4 to 6 weeks.

The rest of the tree will adorn the lush foliage of delicate climbing rose.

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The custom of planting trees under the old vines originated in England
The custom of planting trees under the old vines originated in England

ideal backup

As a support for climbing plants, choose not little weaker trees that may collapse under the weight of their branches and foliage, and trees with sufficiently strong trunks. For plegistyh roses, which require a lot of air and sun, the ideal support will be trees with light foliage. If the crown of the tree is too thick, you can thin out it by deleting old and superfluous branches, -and the roses will create the necessary conditions for growth. Having planted a rose at the base of the tree, tie her long shoots to the trunk, so they quickly found their way to the top.

Shorter shoots can tie ropes to the high branches of a tree. When the shoots are firmly entrenched in the crown, the auxiliary supports can be removed. The plant is planted near the base of the tree, immediately begin to compete with them for water and nutrients. At first, the advantage will be on the side of the tree, accustomed to their habitat: it will take them from a new neighbor. But support forces roses can use simple trick: the prepared hole put an old bucket or barrel with a remote down and pre-plant to plant. wall of the container will not allow the roots of the tree to take away from the rose water and nutrients after her watering and fertilizing.

ideal backup
ideal backup


The trunks of old trees and bushes easily climb up and the many species and varieties of clematis. These plants are ideal for decorating shrubs, hedges of coniferous trees, old apple trees, pears and other trees. Clematis combine well with roses: they both impose the same requirements for growth conditions. Inhabitant of the forest edges, clematis sends its shoots to the light, but the "feet" prefers to keep in the shade. Tall, once flowering rambler roses do not require special pruning, as companions are best early flowering Clematis: they also do not need pruning.

But before the seat next to the rose clematis, give it a year or two to get accustomed to the new location.


For 30 minutes, you can:

  • Cut off a tree branch unnecessary.
  • Plant a tree near Woodbine

This and many other materials can be found on our website.

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