Why do we need a wet cloth during washing in the machine-Machine: trick from experienced housewives

  • Dec 24, 2019
Wet wipes during washing.
Wet wipes during washing.

Wash - it is quite tedious, difficult, and most importantly, responsible process. There are a number of effective "popular" tricks that can speed up and forgive this task. For example, some experienced owners put a napkin into a car. It's time to find out what it was for and why people do so.

Perfect solution. / Photo: product-test.ru.
Perfect solution. / Photo: product-test.ru.

What is neededWashers, wet wipes

Before you put the napkin into the washing machine along with things before washing, it is necessary to take into account some important nuances.

At first, napkins can not be used multiple times for the described procedure.

Secondly, textile products for the "trick" is not appropriate.

Thirdly, napkin should be strong enough, in addition, it is strongly recommended not to put more than three at a time napkins. Fortunately, the wipes are not expensive and you can buy them as whole packages.

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Preparing the wash cycle. / Photo: kitchenremont.ru.
Preparing the wash cycle. / Photo: kitchenremont.ru.
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Replaces air conditioning. / Photo: dombrat.ru.
Replaces air conditioning. / Photo: dombrat.ru.
The most important thing lies in the fact that the wet wipe, once in the drum starts to rotate it together with the laundry and collect lint and hair. Thus, through a napkin, all this rubbish does not get more on clothes.

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Continuing the theme, read about 8 errors during the washing process, which should be avoided so as not to spoil the towel and not only.
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