6 species of rosemary for your garden: Description and secrets of growing

  • Dec 24, 2019

Rare plants are the people the same popularity and love as rosemary. Numerous varieties of this plant are the most different purposes. Of them create hedges, green culture, pottery and compositions for masking unsightly walls. Refreshing resinous smell and slightly peppery flavor leaves in ancient times made it an indispensable culinary spice.

Rosemary (Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru)
Rosemary (Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru)

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Used parts:

  • leaves
  • flowering tops of shoots

Rosmarinus word means "dew of the sea": in the wild this plant is found along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Rosemary officinalis (R. officinalis) - the ancestor of all the countless varieties of forms and varieties of rosemary grown in gardens and orchards. Two other species of rosemary (R. eriocalyx and R. tomentosus), growing in southern Spain and north-west Africa, and did not crop plants. rosemary flowers can be painted in a variety of colors - blue, blue, purple, pink, white. Varies and the shape of the crown bush - from a spherical to the columnar height of 3 m; some varieties shoots creep along the ground. Most rosemary varieties suitable for culinary use. All forms and varieties - evergreen plants with small narrow aromatic leaves.

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To the best higher classes include:

tuscan Blue

The variety with large leaves; Tuscan Blue (Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru)
The variety with large leaves; Tuscan Blue (Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru)

Portuguese Pink

Variety with an amazing aroma and pink flowers; Portuguese Pink (Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru)
Variety with an amazing aroma and pink flowers; Portuguese Pink (Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru)

Among the varieties with the most intense blue color of flowers can be noted «Collingwood Ingram», «Benenden Blue», «Salem», «Blue Lagoon», «Severn Sea» and «Corsican Blue».

Miss Jessup's Upright

The variety has high growth and violet-blue flowers; the same flowers has «Suffolk Blue».

Rosemary (Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru)
Rosemary (Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru)


Extremely fragrant variety introduced into the culture Tom Debadzhio from Gorizia in northern Italy.

Among the varieties with pink flowers are «Pink» and «Provence Pink»; grade «Wendy's White», «Sissinghurst White» and «Nancy Howard» have white flowers.

Decorative wall ideal form of creeping shoots:

Lockwood de Forest

Variety with glossy leaves and blue flowers.

Lockwood de Forest
Lockwood de Forest

«Fota Blue», «Mason Finest» with a very narrow and delicate leaves,


Cultivar with flowers sky blue color.


«Santa Barbara» and «Shimmering Stars» with pink buds and blue flowers.

Among the currently available varieties variegated belong «Genges Gold», «Gilded« ( «Aureus») and «Silver Spires» leaves bordered by a white stripe.

Grade «Severn Sea» and «Madeleine Hill» superior to all other forms of resistance to cold.

During the Second World War to fight germs in the French hospital burned the leaves of rosemary and juniper berries.

Every year on April 25 in Australia and New Zealand celebrate Anzac Day. This national holiday dedicated to the memory of Australians and New Zealanders who died during all the soldiers and military conflicts. On this day, veterans attached to their clothes sprigs of rosemary: in Turkey, the Gallipoli peninsula, where in the First World War killed more than 10,000 Australian and New Zealand soldiers grew wild in abundance rosemary.


Rosemary needs a sunny location and well-drained soil. He is growing well and weakly acidic and moderately alkaline soils, but in the latter case the bushes form a compact crown and emit a stronger scent. In cooler regions in the summer of pots with rosemary bring to the open air, and with the onset of cold weather is again pushed them into the room. It is best to growing rosemary sea.


Spring or summer cuttings: rosemary seeds germinate poorly.


Regular light pruning helps to form the crown. From the bushes of rosemary easily create green garden sculptures: as a result of cutting off the crown only become thicker. Importance has proper soil mulching: organic materials are sometimes delayed moisture at the base of the stems, which contributes to the development of fungal rot.

Pests and diseases

Excessive watering potted plants are often affected by root rot, starting with browning leaf tips. Clay pots are preferable plastic: they provide adequate soil drainage. Easy regular pruning improves the aeration of foliage that inhibits the development of fungi that cause plant wilting. During the winter in the room rosemary may be affected spider mites, whiteflies and mealybugs.

Harvesting and storage

In areas with mild climate rosemary shoots can be cut at any time of the year. They are then dried in a well ventilated area, and then terminate the whole dried leaves from the stems and store them in a tightly sealed container. The main blank is carried out before flowering leaf. Freshly picked flowers in salads and desserts.

Herbal Medicine

  • rosemary officinalis

Used parts:

  • leaves
  • the tops of flowering shoots

Since rosemary tones and stimulates the nervous system and blood circulation, it is often used in fatigue, weakness, and depression. Increasing blood flow to the head, it improves memory and attention.

In all these cases it is possible to take decoctions and infusions of leaves, although more commonly used essential oil of rosemary. To this was added a few drops of oil in a steam inhaler or diluted in a small amount of vegetable oil mixture and easily rubbed into the scalp.

Hungarian water

This aromatic composition was the chief perfumes in Europe until the cologne. In addition, it was considered and universal remedy for vertigo, rheumatism, stomach cramps, headaches, indigestion and many other ailments. History of the Hungarian water of the invention is a mystery, but according to legend, in the XIII century. a hermit gave her recipe elderly Queen Elizabeth of Hungary, just to move around because of gout. Daily baths in this water is not only cured leg of the Queen, but returned to her former beauty. Later formula Hungarian water enriched with thyme, sage, mint and marjoram.

In folk medicine, rosemary is considered an effective remedy for digestive diseases System shown with gastric and intestinal cramps, bloating and excessive gas formation. It is taken as in the liver disorder (e.g., to improve digestion of fats).

Before taking rosemary drugs, consult your doctor. During pregnancy or breast-feeding preparations rosemary should not be taken in quantities exceeding culinary standards.


Rosemary - an essential component of a well-known antiseptic "four thieves vinegar". It can be used in a variety of household purposes.

Prepare rosemary simplest disinfecting solution: pour into water handful leaves and twigs of plants and boil for 30 minutes on low heat. Strain and pour the solution into a spray bottle.

Disinfect and deodorize brushes and combs, immersing them for a time in a solution of 1 cup (250 ml) hot water, 1 tbsp. l. baking soda and 5 drops of rosemary oil.

Add the dried rosemary in bags of herbal mixtures to repel moths and "dry spirits".

To scare away fleas, after the dog wash, rinse it with broth or infusion of rosemary.

Launder bedding their pets, rinse them in water, after adding a few drops of rosemary oil. Scare away vermin and can be different: sprinkle rosemary animals disinfectant when they will dry off in the sun after a swim.


Crushed rosemary leaves emit a refreshing, tart pine fragrance notes comprising mint and eucalyptus have spicy and pungent taste. Added to food in large quantities, they can kill the taste and smell of food. Rosemary is best combined with products having the same strong smell and taste (for example, with garlic and wine). Usually it is used as a seasoning for potatoes, meat dishes (lamb and pork), poultry (Duck and game), vegetables (eggplant, zucchini, cabbage), as well as sausages, soups and broths. Sometimes, rosemary is added to bread, as well as barley and wheat tortillas.

In the minds of people rosemary is closely linked with the name of the Virgin Mary. According to legend, when the Holy Family fleeing from Herod's soldiers, Mary hung out to dry his blue cloak on a bush of rosemary with white flowers. When she took off the robe with dried bush, its flowers turn blue. In the old days the rosemary is often called the "leaf elves." Beams its branches hung around the house to protect it from thieves and wizards and witches to get into the house and steal from there children.

Since rosemary leaves pretty tough in the food they need to add finely chopped. You can also use twigs and whole leaves of rosemary, but before cooking, they should be wrapped in a piece of cheesecloth and removed before serving dishes on the table. Dried leaves have the same taste and smell as fresh, but even after long cooking, they tend to remain rigid.

Rosemary is very popular in Italian cuisine. The most uncomplicated pizza, sprinkle with thin slices of fried potatoes, grated garlic and finely chopped rosemary, acquire a special taste

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