Undemanding evergreen plants in your garden: tips to gardeners

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Evergreens remind us of hot summer. Unlike all the other inhabitants of the garden, the trees and shrubs remains attractive all year round.

Unpretentious evergreens (Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru)
Unpretentious evergreens (Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru)


This shrub with small, leathery leaves is ideal for creating hedges and well lends itself to any topiary - it can be shaped balls, pyramids or amusing figurines animals. If it is not cut, it grows tall and thick bush.


Shacks zheltovatozelenye, odorous.


Hedges cut 2-3 times a year.

The leaves and fruit are poisonous!


Low hedges of boxwood can be edging flower beds. The plant is suitable for growing in containers. In central Russia in the winter freezes.


pine mountain

Mountain pine combines perfectly with heather, but looks good in rocky gardens. And it is suitable for growing in containers.

Flowers / buds

Men bumps greenish, reddish female; cones ovate, young black and brown, mature tan.


Pruning is not necessary, but it is possible to restrain growth vylamyvaya every year shoot tips.

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Varieties differ greatly in height. Pay attention to it when buying.

pine mountain
pine mountain


This plant with bluish-gray or bluish-green needles fits perfectly into the natural type gardens, for example, along with heather. It grows very slowly and can take the form of a narrow column, spherical or flattened bush.

Flowers / buds

Male catkins yellow, female knobs light green; autumn appear fleshy, bluish-black bumps. They ripen 2-3 years and resemble berries (cones and berries).


This is a beautiful evergreen plant does not cause virtually no hassle - it does not need pruning, sometimes only require support.


Particularly ornamental varieties with columnar crown, did not concede decorative tree after topiary.


Meserve holly

Green shiny fox tya petioles with rich red and shiny dark red fruits typical of the different varieties of this shrub.

Leaves and fruits of holly are poisonous!

Flowers / fruits

The flowers are white, inconspicuous; yagodovidnye red drupes.


Suitable for topiary.


A plant for the mild climate. In central Russia compact varieties can be grown in containers.

Meserve holly
Meserve holly

Ligustrum vulgare

Hardy, fast-growing shrub, suitable for use in hedges. Summer bushes decorated with white flowers with a tart-sweet smell, and since September mature black berries loved by birds.

Flowers / fruits

Flowers are white, with a strong odor; fruits from September.

Ligustrum vulgare
Ligustrum vulgare

Mahonia aquifolium

At the lobby of shiny dark green leaves, similar to leaves of holly, spring blossoms stand out from golden yellow bell-shaped flowers, and in the fall - blue berries.

Flowers / fruits

The flowers are yellow, multiflorous racemes, fragrant; blue-black fruit.


Trimming is not required.


Mahonia tolerates shade and can grow even under trees and shrubs.

Mahonia aquifolium
Mahonia aquifolium

Serbian spruce

Crohn's, this elegant tree is the narrowest of all the oil; drooping of branches ends facing up. It is drought-resistant and makes a strong air pollution, and therefore is suitable for growing in the cities.

Flowers / buds

Women reddish bumps; mature brown cones.


Removing dead branches.


There are low copra (for example, «Nana» cultivar reaches a height of about 4 meters only many years later).

Serbian spruce
Serbian spruce


Lowly shrub whose tough, dark green, shiny leaves resemble the laurel leaves. Blooms in the spring with small white flowers, gathered in inflorescences similar to the candles.

The seeds are poisonous.

Flowers / fruits

White flowers in dense racemes, with an intense aroma; August drupes from red to black.


You can crop, trim but without growing better.


It tolerates shade, but does not like the calcareous soils. A plant for the mild climate. In central Russia overwinters only under cover and, as a rule, does not grow higher than 1 m.


Kalina morschinistolistnaya

This large shrub is famous blossoming at the ends of branches creamy fragrant buds, but, most importantly, amazing but leaves -Theme-green s and m, wrinkling and grained top and tiny downy hairs below. He looks good in single and group plantings.

Kalina morschinistolistnaya
Kalina morschinistolistnaya

Flowers / fruits

The flowers are yellowish-white, in flat false umbels; yagodovidnye first fruits are red, then black.


Pruning immediately after flowering.


Like other types of viburnum with large leaves, is severely affected by the wind. A plant for the mild climate.

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