The method as potatoes cook faster at times without the usual pots

  • Dec 24, 2019
How to quickly cook the potatoes.
How to quickly cook the potatoes.

Boiled potatoes - this is a great delicacy, which adores a huge number of people. True, there is one of the dishes, and a serious lack of enough. Boiled potatoes very long time. Still, a third of an hour - it is a serious time. Fortunately, there is one simple way that will significantly speed up the process.

Take the potatoes and my good. / Photo:
Take the potatoes and my good. / Photo:

What is needed: Potatoes, hard sponge, access to water, A4 sheets of paper, microwave.

This method of cooking potatoes is good because it allows you to ignore most of the usual treatments. This in turn reduces the time required for cooking the potatoes almost 7 times. Nothing complicated about the procedure there. The first step is thoroughly pan potato water. To help in this case is able to sponge with tough side. After that, take the sheets of A4 paper and wrap them in a potato on the principle of a single root - a single sheet.

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Wrap in paper. / Photo:
Wrap in paper. / Photo:

Now we take the wrapped potatoes and dump it in the microwave. It is worth just to clarify that the more potatoes at a time will be sent to the microwave oven, the longer the procedure takes place "cooking." The optimal solution would be to send in the oven for 3 to 5 fruits wrapped in paper. In this case, cooking will take somewhere for 3-4 minutes. Accordingly, if the increased number of potatoes, and the waiting time will increase.

Note: It is best to cook the potatoes in small batches! While it is to do the second, the first can already be applied to the table.
And send in an oven. / Photo:
And send in an oven. / Photo:

It only remains to add that it is necessary to put the microwave at maximum power. Such "exotic" potato cooking method saves (including) the need to clean each fruit with a knife or a special tool. And this is an impressive time savings. In addition, the thus prepared potatoes are also very tasty. Bon Appetit!

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