A very simple solution that effectively protects from ticks and insects

  • Dec 24, 2019
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How to protect yourself from ticks?
How to protect yourself from ticks?

Summer is in full swing, and there is still plenty of warm days, which have only one drawback - the annoying insects, among which there are those that represent a real danger to health. And chief among them - mites. For those who lead an active lifestyle and spends much time in nature, we have to think about the potential dangers of a tick bite. We will tell you about a simple and very effective solution to this problem.

Soon all the forests and parks
Soon all the forests and parks

Today vying vendors offer a variety of creams and sprays, which, according to them, are able to get rid of ticks. But in fact, all that is needed to avoid falling victim to these unpleasant insects - the most common roller for cleaning clothes and essential oil.

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Roller for cleaning clothes + essential oil.
Roller for cleaning clothes + essential oil.

The essential oil is to be distributed over the roller gently and evenly so you do not leave stains on clothes. Before you go for a walk in the park or go out of town, you must repeatedly go through the roller clothing that you plan to wear. But here it is necessary to consider that for this purpose is suitable not every essential oil.

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Essential oils that protect against mites

lemon oil considered the most effective in the fight against mites and unpleasant insects such as fleas and ticks.

spike oilThat so many people like to mites is a real poison. I do not like the smell of mosquitoes and a variety of midge.

peppermint oil - a real natural repellent, very toxic to insects.

Oil Schisandra chinensis It has a bright citrus flavor. It not only protects against ticks, but also from fleas.

Eucalyptus oil It is also very effective in protecting against ticks. It can be used as an independent means, and in combination with oil, lemongrass.

N / B! Some water is mixed with the essential oil and it is applied to the body as a spray. But it is necessary to consider that on hot days, such a mixture evaporate quickly, and besides, oil and sweaty body contact can cause skin irritation.

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