Creating a flower bed with their hands Tips gardeners

  • Dec 24, 2019

Do not be lazy to spend time on the design of a flower bed -Identify his place in the garden thoughtful design, to achieve the best results and ease yourself into the future care for him.

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For 30 minutes, you can:

  • Plant plants on a prepared area of ​​6 square. m 3 tall perennials in the background, 10 sredneroslye plant in front of them and 8 low flowers at the flower bed border.

Three front line

Create a beautiful flower garden - is primarily a place to plant it so that it looked and naturally to everyone here perennials enough light, power and space growth.

In the design of a flower bed background play a major role tall plants - delphiniums, phlox, foxglove, etc... Their blossoms rise above were planted in front of them perennials average height - erigeron, loosestrife or geranium gorgeous. Lower plant (cuff, phlox subulate, Aubrieta, Heuchera et al.) Must grow in the foreground mixborders, bordering the track or lawn.

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Three front line
Three front line

Planning flower garden

In the design of a flower bed must take into account the illumination of the selected area for him, the nature of its soil and protection from wind. These factors will primarily affect the growth and development of plants. only species with the same requirements for environmental conditions will grow well in a flower garden. It is best to plan ahead a flower bed on the paper, and then planted in accordance with the plant them.

The boundaries between the individual groups of plants can be marked on the ground with sand. These boundaries should be more or less blurred - so the flower bed will look more natural. Then you can place the pots in the garden with plants. Distances between them will depend on their size. For example, for high delphiniums naperstyanok and it should be 60-80 cm (one plant per 1 sq. m) for perennials sredneroslye 40-60 cm, for low plants 20-30 cm.

Planning flower garden
Planning flower garden

Buy healthy plants

When buying plants, pay attention to the fact that they were not hit by pests and have a healthy, strong leaves. The roots should be white. The best planting material you are found in reputable horticultural farms.

Plants in containers can be planted in the ground from spring to autumn. And spring- letnetsvetuschie plants are best planted in the fall, and flowering in late summer and autumn - in the spring.

rooting seedlings

To plant more quickly accustomed to the new location, after planting they should be properly watered and compacted ground around. In the first weeks fertilize them do not need: excess nutrients inhibits the formation of roots and plant growth slows down. Subsequently, for good growth and lush flowering in the soil need to make a long-acting balanced fertilizer.

Hot, dry summers perennials need regular watering. Mulch also protects the soil from drying out.

rooting seedlings
rooting seedlings


Long flowering different plants such as catmint, coreopsis, Cota tinctoria.

Some other perennials bloom timing is possible to extend by removing faded flowers. For example, if the cuff and geranium shortened by about 10 cm after the first flowering in late summer they bloom again.

[Box type = »info»] planning a flower garden, do not forget about ornamental grasses: they require little maintenance. Among them are the high grass for background plantings and beautiful low-growing plants for the foreground. [/ Box]

Before planting a bit loosen the root ball perennial: it will facilitate the growth of the roots and the plant will quickly get accustomed to the new location.

Install the support near the planted perennials. Growing up, the plants quickly hide their weight of their foliage. When the plants will grow, tie them to the supports will be more difficult.

This and many other materials can be found on our website.

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Read more: As experienced florists achieve flowering violets lush cap