Prunus tomentosa. the secrets of growing

  • Dec 24, 2019

Felt cherry plum belongs to the genus. Her full name in Latin sounds like Prunus tomentosa. Cherry felt called by a special pubescence that covers not only the benefits but also shoots and leaves. In our latitude felt cherry came from the Far East, where it is widely cultivated since ancient times.

Berry cherry felt on a branch. © Sue
Berry cherry felt on a branch. © Sue

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Description Felt cherry

Felt cherry looks like a small tree or shrub elegant, the maximum tree height - 2, 5 m with the Crohn's quite wide and thick.. The leaves are small felt cherries, sharp and wrinkled. In appearance reminiscent of elm leaves. Fruits are a little smaller in size compared to traditional varieties of cherries. They fit snugly to each other and differ in a short stalk. The taste of sweet berries without the typical acidity, characteristic cherry. They contain a high amount of vitamin C and iron, as well as vitamins B and PP.

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The advantage felt cherry is its decorative appearance, so it is often used as a basic element for greening areas. Moreover, this tree is almost always a good harvest there. The disadvantages of a felt cherry may include a relatively short life span - tree usually dries at the expiration of 10-15 years.

Planting and growing conditions

At the moment, growers and breeders are actively breeding new varieties of felt cherry. Today, by the popular varieties are Habarovchanka, Amurka, Natalie, Pioneer, Twinkle, Damanka, Summer. Grades are divided into late-, srednetsvetuschie and ranotsvetuschie.

Planting cherry felt early spring, at least - in September. Since the plant is samobesplodnym experienced gardeners advised to plant trees several different varieties of flowering approximately the same period. Seedlings are placed at a distance of at least half a meter apart. Planting trees is recommended in well bleached sunny position, as the cherry felt not like a shadow.

The best soil for a felt cherry is light, sandy loam or loamy soil, but on the heavy clay soil or peat tree grows worse. To improve growth cherry soil before planting recommend fertilize from lime solution (400 g), potassium (20 g) and phosphorus (40 g). After planting, the ground around the seedlings need zamulchirovat peat. This will help to regulate soil moisture and help to avoid frequent watering.

Bush cherry felted with ripe berries. © Pauk
Bush cherry felted with ripe berries. © Pauk

Care of felt cherry

Care of felt cherry does not require special skills. Wood has good frost resistance and drought resistance. Cherry fruit begins early - already in the second or third year after planting. Harvesting, depending on the class, held from early July to September.

In the spring, after flowering, the tree is recommended to fertilize the mineral fertilizer that contains nitrogen. Watering should be a felt cherry as needed - it does not tolerate an overabundance of moisture. In the second year of life plants it is recommended to cut off the shoots to form a beautiful crown. For this purpose also conduct thinning branches have been felted cherry different propensity for excessive tillering.

Young bush cherry felted. © F. D. Richards
Young bush cherry felted. © F. D. Richards
Felt cherry exhibits good stability and in terms of disease. Its distinguishing feature is the fact that she is not afraid to cherry leaf spot, which is considered a real storm for many fruit trees. Threat to a felt cherry carries Jose scale, aphids and some other pests.

Despite the fact that a felt cherry grown for a long time, for many gardeners it is still exotic plants. However, due to its undemanding in maintenance and high productivity, this wonderful fruit tree is becoming increasingly popular.

Despite the fact that a felt cherry grown for a long time, for many gardeners it is still exotic plants. However, due to its undemanding in maintenance and high productivity, this wonderful fruit tree is becoming increasingly popular.

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