11 methods for home fertilize crops

  • Dec 24, 2019

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Fertilize sugar

One teaspoon of scatter on zemelku before you start watering. Or dissolve two teaspoons of sugar per cup of water. Such additional forage should be implemented once every seven days.

Fertilize the shells from eggs

In many egg shell calcium, which is able to neutralize the acidity. Accordingly, when you apply fertilizer, increases the acidity, should be added to the shell. Eggshell raw testicles need to conscientiously wash, dry and smaller, then add them to the ground. Shucks - slowly degradable product, respectively, it is necessary to use it in moderation. Blend it thoroughly. She also fertilize adult cactus.

Such a method is also fit to the bait. Pre-washed and the dried eggshell need to pour 3 liters of hot water, brew for five days, after watering can carry.

Fertilize banana skins

Banana skins melenko must be cut and dry. When you transplant the culture, sypte layer or embedded in the elementary stage.

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Dried skins grind in a coffee machine. Turn dark-brownish powder which roll in front of a container with irrigation culture, or stirred with water and used as a liquid feed up. Such banana fertilizer suitable for crops that bloom; roses love it, please worthy flowering. Algal favors potassium, contained in sufficient quantities in bananas.

fertilize ash

Per liter of water should take thirty grams of ash, leave seven days, stirring occasionally. Then you can carry out irrigation. The wood ash contains phosphorus, which is able to stimulate the energetic processes of cultures, is one of the most important elements needed by culture.

Tea and coffee

Sleeps coffee and tea thoroughly dry. Use as a mulch for crops and lure. For additional forage prepare infusion of tea is asleep. One tea cup fill 3mya liters of hot water and let brewed for five days. Next, filtering, and can be used as additional forage. Coffee and tea are able to neutralize the alkaline environment, respectively, they can be used for crops that are "like" acidic soil. When the transplant or transshipped culture drainage layer put on tea residues, more soil, place the plant. Using coffee and tea, you can make the soil light. Do not add fertilizer such as in containers "living" soil flies, it will contribute to the fact that they will multiply more rapidly.

Water from the washing of cereals

Some hostess may be used as a fertilizer by water washing cereals (buckwheat, rice, etc.). In such water contains all the necessary elements.

Fertilizer husks from onions

Husk, as it turns out - a useful complementary foods for crops. The infusion of onion peel is a substance that destroys bacteria. The infusion used as foliar additional forage, which is saturated with trace elements and it is a full crop fertilizer. Preparing here thus: ten to twenty grams of husk fill with five liters of warm some water, leave for four days. It is also possible husk pour boiling water (one liter) and boil for approximately two minutes, leave for two hours, after possible to start spraying.

Spraying tincture of orange peel

This is a preventative measure against spider mites. Crusts pour boiling water (1 liter) and infuse about five hours, then drain. Spray atomizer.

Aloe juice as a biostimulant growth

It is used to increase seed germination. When the seeds are soaked in water droplets drip aloe juice, soak eight to twenty hours. When you water the home of culture, too, can add the juice of aloe. You must use the juice of crops, which already has three years in advance by holding a sheet in the refrigerator for several days.

This and many other materials can be found on our website.

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