Required area for growing perennial

  • Dec 24, 2019

To bed looked impressive, enough to collect on it all the beautiful thing that comes to mind. Making infield seems a simple task at first glance. Difficulties arise when it comes time to take into account the growing conditions required by individual plants. This is especially true of perennials, planted once and for a long time. We look at how to take into account the correct distance between plants.

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Why does the distance matter? Plants need watering, certain soil, fertilizing, but plays an important role and the area allocated to it. Culture drown each other in cramped roots do not absorb a sufficient amount of nutrients. In the fight for the sun's rays are drawn plants, herbs pales before flowering case can not reach. If a bed crush, it turns haven for pests. Treat such landing is difficult, and without weeding and fertilizing they will die or feral.

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Long distance - not a solution either. The bed looks like "bald", though the individual plants were gone and in their place have decided not to put anything.

Conclusion: flowerbeds plan must be established in advance in view of the possible nuances. The time spent will pay off when the flowers and bushes will delight you with many consecutive seasons.

How much of the soil is necessary to flowers and ornamental shrubs

Even if the main area of ​​the garden is occupied beds, allocate space for the jewelry still want. How much of the need? Each plant their space requirements, depending on the size of the root system. More powerful acceleration is needed, small area of ​​modest cost.

Important!Gardeners have estimated that per square meter territory gets a dozen stunted plants, 6 - 7 sredneroslye, 2 - 3 high.

Consider the nature of the growth of the aerial parts:

  • Ground covers - the name understood that gradually to form a dense mat surface. Plants are not demanding to the conditions, they grow gradually. On the square place it is possible to place up to 25 pieces;
  • plotnokustovye - up to 10 pieces. They grow slowly, in the first year they are planted between the same age;
  • rhizome - a single plant takes at least a meter square area. Growth is rapid, if placed near other plants, it is likely their death;
  • ryhlokustovye - from 1 to 4 pieces. Bushes, loose, aggressive, do not apply to the neighboring areas.

Natural look with flower beds chaotic landings. If you want to use clean lines and geometric shapes, is made in a style all of the site to create a complete tune.

Below are the most popular and interesting perennials and their space requirements.

How far to plant flowers and ornamental shrubs

Planting perennials in groups, it is important to take into account the needs of each individual plant. If you do not believe in the calculations, oversee the development. When not enough space and nutrients flowers are poorly developed, look. Remedy the situation will help emergency transplant.

Lovers to purchase the seeds at the counter even advised tackle shop, where they sow. This saves from rash purchases and stocks of unused seeds.

The basic rule of landings: Tall plants emit more space. Focus on how the new "resident" beds should look like as an adult. Creeping culture placed at a distance of not less than 30 cm, plotnokustovye - 20 cm, and may require rhizomatous meter.

Take note! A simple way to calculate the distance - it should be at least 1/3 of the total height of the neighboring plants.

All plants can be divided into three groups, based on the method of placement:

  • defining. Tall larger culture. Usually planted one - two and become the center of the composition. You should look attractive and bright;
  • accompanying perennials. Complement or shade defining plants. And can be planted in separate groups. It is important that they clearly had bloomed or original foliage;
  • culture to fill the voids - low-growing perennials. Choose a ground cover or plants with bright buds.

Roses - a separate issue. Fans of colors usually bred different varieties. Miniature enough distance of 30 cm to neighbors tea - at least half a meter, spray - two meters.

pions bushes like space between them is necessary to leave at least one meter, given the proliferation.

Different plant species are planted in groups, which should also be at a certain distance. We will understand the rules.

How far planted ornamental shrubs for hedges

We hedge a lot of functions: decoration for a fence, protection from prying eyes, a reliable barrier to the wind, moisture in the delay section. Its form of shrubs and trees with ornamental foliage, welcome long lashes, spectacular flowering density.

You can add a quick hedge another property, if you choose the herbs: wild rose, barberry, hawthorn. It is important to bear in mind that to you in the first place: aesthetics or harvest. If the second - place between the planting of at least one meter. In the remaining cases will be enough half of the claimed range.

Thuy and dogwood - one of the most popular hedges. must leave 0.7 and 0.6 m between them, respectively. But we must remember that different varieties of their demands. The higher and wider growing tree or shrub, the more he is paid to.

Important!To get the most dense hedge, plant it in two rows in a checkerboard pattern.

Juniper - very economical option, the plants should be left for a half - two meters of free space, and the fence will impressive.

Spirea is ideal for low hedges. Perennial varieties located at a distance of 40 centimeters from each other.

An interesting variant - Shrub Roses. Place them in at least three meters from each other.

Lilac enhance any plot. Planted it at least 1.5 m. When planting groups to 7 pieces distance should be at least 2.5 m
Lilac enhance any plot. Planted it at least 1.5 m. When planting groups to 7 pieces distance should be at least 2.5 m

How far to plant the plants on the landings soliternyh

Solitary plants or small groups, united by a single species, is called soliternymi landings. They must be placed so as to be able to observe in all its glory.

Large trees and bushes do not need supplements. Rhododendrons, magnolias look great in the middle of the lawn. Expect landing so that the selected culture was about three meters away from the place from which to admire the plan.

For groups perfect Heuchera. Planted bushes triangles, departing at 70 cm. Heuchera long retain decorative - for about 6 years.

How far to land plants in the flowerbed

Standard bed involves a combination of a plurality of grades and types. The diagram shows one example of color distribution. Try to always draw such drawings before starting work.

Important!Do not leave empty spaces, fill them annuals. For example, the petunia. They have a variety of shades, it is easy to find the right.

How far to plant perennials in miksborde

Miksbord - the problem for gardeners with experience. It is important to properly combine not only the colors but also the height of the planting. Miksbord should look lush, therefore it is necessary to give preference to crops without claims to the territory, non-aggressive.

Predict the behavior of different varieties with dense planting difficult, so growers recommend to keep the appearance of the flower garden and in time to make adjustments.

In the scheme - an option miksborda with hosts, Heuchera, peonies, hydrangeas.

Important!Configure miksbord as the picture. Background are reserved for high culture, in the middle of the plant medium, the fore undersized with a nice flowering.

How far to plant perennials in the alpine hill

When creating an alpine slide, first Collect future "residents", then make a placement plan. With stones perfectly combines green arborvitae, rich color depth boxwood, juniper. Between them you need the distance in meters for a comfortable development.

Against the background of conifers bright spots stand out bloodroot and phlox. Cultures do not require space and can form a continuous carpet.

How far to plant perennials for border

Border - a kind of fencing along the tracks or beds, underlines the shape and makes the landscape brighter. Choose low or medium-height flowers, coniferous shrubs. Fans of strict lines can plant euonymus. Gorgeous bloom phlox, clematis.

Border can become self-composition, as shown in the diagram. Here he takes the free area between the corner of the fence and the garden path. Please note that the plants are located closer than the beds.

Important!Clematis belongs to the invasive plants that can destroy enough of strong neighbors. The curb it should be placed, when the other "residents" have enough will develop, it is desirable for the next year.

Use the useful information from the article and do not be afraid to experiment.

This and many other materials can be found on our website.

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Read more:Secrets color combinations on a bed: options and circuit