Perennials for partial shade in your garden: tips to gardeners

  • Dec 24, 2019

Perennials grow best where the sun is in the morning or late in the afternoon, as well as in partial shade sparse treetops. They delight us with beautiful blooms and often decorative foliage.

Perennials for the penumbra
Perennials for the penumbra

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doronicum east

Yellow basket doronicum resembling large daisies, are disclosed in May. This plant loves the cool shadow and light, but with sufficient soil moisture and can grow in the sun.




In the absence of water the rain; protect from slugs; for good growth compost. doronicum east
In the absence of water the rain; protect from slugs; for good growth compost. doronicum east

Macleay heart-shaped

This perennial garden all summer decorates large gray-green leaves with deep recesses.

In the height of summer it appear lighter paniculate inflorescences. The ideal plant for growing in the background of flower beds.


White, in loose panicles.


Not required.


We having several smaller Muckle small-fruited (M. microcarpa) flowers ocher-yellow.

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Macleay heart-shaped
Macleay heart-shaped

Arends Astilbe

Light, airy inflorescence asgilby consist of a myriad of small flowers.

But thanks to the pinnate leaves resembling fern fronds, this perennial plant is very decorative and flowering period.


White, pink, red, in racemose inflorescences.


In the absence of rain to water, fertilize in the spring of mature compost.


Plants do not tolerate drying out the soil. With regular watering and they can grow in full sun. In the shadow bloom less profusely.

Arends Astilbe
Arends Astilbe

Saxifrage (Bergen)

In the spring of the leaf rosette center Bergenia appears thick stems. The flowers, depending on the variety, can be from white to karminnokrasnyh. With its large fleshy leaves, this plant retains its decorative all year round. Fall foliage often turns bright red.


White, pink, red, bell-shaped, in loose inflorescences.


In a drought watering.


Under trees and shrubs can be used as ground cover. With sufficient soil moisture, and it grows well in the sun.

Brunner macrophylla

In the spring of bright green heart-shaped leaves Brunner raised delicate panicles of bright blue flowers, forget-me-like flowers.


Blue, rarely white.


Not required.


Varieties with variegated foliage - attractive ground cover plants.

Brunner macrophylla
Brunner macrophylla

Geranium magnificent

Elegant dark green clumps of geraniums in summer covered with flowers rich purple color. Pubescent leaves with a deep cut in the autumn become reddish.




It is not required; heavily overgrown plants to chop off a shovel.


If after flowering plants greatly cut, they soon give new shoots.

Geranium magnificent
Geranium magnificent

Black cohosh branched

In the second half of the summer on the large, deeply lobed leaves Black cohosh soar high, narrow and compact inflorescences yellowish-cream flowers. Black cohosh is better to plant in the background of flower beds.


Creamy white, with a pungent odor.


In the absence of rain watered for good growth spring soiling mature compost.


Several smaller flowering at a later date a simple black cohosh (S. simplex)

Aquilegia vulgaris

Columbine - extremely elegant plant. He is obliged to this bizarre flowers with long spur and openwork foliage. In cold regions, it needs radical pruning autumn (up to ground level). Well propagated by self-seeding.


White, pink, purple, blue, often bi-colored, sometimes double.


In the absence of water the rain.


Very attractive are numerous hybrids, especially Caerulea group.

Aquilegia vulgaris
Aquilegia vulgaris

thalictrum aquilegiifolium

Almost all summer over openwork foliage meadow-rue flutter gentle inflorescence Fine fluffy flowers with extremely long stamens.


White, pink, purple, in corymbose panicles.


In the absence of water the rain; for good growth soiling mature compost; if necessary to tie up.


The most beautifully delicate inflorescence meadow-rue look on a dark background, such as near a hedge or coniferous shrubs.

thalictrum aquilegiifolium
thalictrum aquilegiifolium

This and many other materials can be found on our website.

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