How to remove superglue from the way the fingers proven effective

  • Dec 24, 2019
How to get rid of superglue.
How to get rid of superglue.

When superglue gets on your fingers, a pleasant enough. From the substance have to get rid purposefully. Otherwise, you have to walk for a long time and feel a constant discomfort. It will last as long as the adhesive is not completely rassohnetsya and exfoliates naturally. Many methods for cleaning hands of glue and add extra problems. But not this one.

All that is required. / Photo:
All that is required. / Photo:

What is needed: Dirty hands of glue, safety razor, warm water, a small container, foam and shaving cream.

Sullying hands in superglue, do not worry ahead of time. Most recently, one resourceful alien published online fun way to remove stubborn glue with it. To get rid of pollution is very simple. To do this, you need to take a modern safety razor and soak it in water (primarily blades and sliding strip). This will greatly facilitate the process of pulling the machine over the skin.

Moisten with water. / Photo:
Moisten with water. / Photo:

After that is taken shaving foam and adhesive is applied to the place of contamination. Recommended pre-soak this place with warm water. Foam in turn smeared around contaminated sites. It must be done so that it is protected and adjacent areas of skin clean.

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We apply the cream and shave. / Photo:
We apply the cream and shave. / Photo:

All that remains to do now - is to begin careful, slow movements to remove stale superglue to the skin with a razor. Make smooth movements. Strong pressure is not required. The procedure continues until full removal of the adhesive. It is important to apply additional water and foam, if the situation requires. Remember that glue the foam does not dissolve.

And my hands are already clean. / Photo:
And my hands are already clean. / Photo:

After all is done, cleaned the glue place should be thoroughly washed with water and treat the cream after shaving.

Important: Modern safety razors are created with the expectation of something that, in principle, not be able to leave deep wounds. However, when working with the machine must be some caution.

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