The tracks in the country: how to make your own from SPIL

  • Dec 24, 2019

For paving different materials can be used in the gardening area. Arrange them nicely, you can use Spila. Trails of wood look original. Moreover, to make them quite simply himself. What is the advantage of tracks of the dice and a scheme to stack them? More on that below.

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Why choose a track from the SPIL

The tracks on the local area - an essential element of the yard. In they first and foremost have to bear the practicality and be beautiful. The choice of material for them depends on the style of garden design and the wishes of its owners.

Track of cut a tree - an option that does not lose its relevance. Let's look at their main advantages:

  • Originality. You can create a unique pattern, which you no one will no longer meet.
  • Environmentally friendly. Natural material is safe for health.
  • Availability financially. Wooden dice are ranked as waste, so their costs are minimal.
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  • The simplicity in the design. To create such tracks do not need tools, which may not be at hand. Not required as the relevant skills in this matter.

There have tracks made of natural material a number of shortcomings: they can not boast durability, and sometimes do not fit into the design of the local area.

Preparation for laying track

To track turned out beautiful and lasts as long as possible, before proceeding to its creation poring manufacturing scheme. To start, you need to prepare materials. You can prepare your own hands or saw cut to get them in their respective stores.

If you choose the latter option, you may be offered raw saw cut and those that have already passed the preliminary stage. They are more expensive, but you do not need to spend time to process their antifungal compounds.

If you want to save money, make a saw cut yourself. But in this case you need an electric or a chainsaw. The height of each part should be in the region of 11-13 cm. That they were all the same, make a template on which you will be guided when cutting new parts.


After the plates are ready, proceed to the installation.

Tip! To the track to be not only beautiful but also durable, obey all rules laying.
  • To start digging a trench (depth up to 25 cm). The width can be arbitrary. That it received exactly, do the markup: hammer pegs and pull the thread between them.
  • Lay out items on a substrate that will protect them against moisture and rot. As a waterproofing material suitable polyethylene film or geotextiles.
  • Install drainage system. This will ensure drainage of water and extra protection from moisture.
  • The next step - the creation of a pillow of sand or sand and gravel. For their compaction, water is used. The thickness of the substrate 10 cm. Smooth out the pillow. Use a spirit level or a bar.
  • Proceed to the laying of wooden elements. Each of them put on top of a pillow and gently deepen by tapping with a rubber mallet. During compaction plates, make sure that that they are on the same level.
  • The final stage - filling voids with sand. Pour water track, so you will be able to find places that are not completely filled with sand.
  • To get a nice trail from the edge of the form to their land: sprinkle and tamp. You can also frame the track with stones or blocks of wood.
Important! Track of SPIL will require appropriate care. Thus it is able to extend its original appearance and durability.

Caring for Trail of wooden elements involves handling and impregnation of wooden planks with special preparations (once a year).

This and many other materials can be found on our website.

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