My simple secrets luxurious flowering Spathiphyllum

  • Dec 24, 2019

This perennial crops belongs to the family Araceae. Habitats - East Asia, South America, Polynesia. There are about forty species of this plant.

This flower is a bit short root. Radical leaves grow directly from the ground.

Leaflets are oval-shaped. Inflorescences similar to cob, with a white cape. For this reason, culture has the name "White Sail" and "Women's happiness."

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4 main points care Spathiphyllum without which flower will not grow well

Culture is not capricious, but has distinctive features in the issue of care:

  • In regard to the arrangement. Spathiphyllum feels great next to the window. He needs a lot of light from the sun, but it should not be exposed to direct sunlight stream in order not to overheat. It grows well in the shade. But if the foliage is shallow, which means that light it lacks. Protect culture from drafts.
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  • As for watering. Watering must be moderate. When the plant blooms, you can water it longer than usual. But a large surplus of moisture is not desirable, drying the soil too. Drain excess moisture when watering doing. Water for watering should advance to settle not less than twelve hours. You can set the filter under the sink. It will only heat up the water, so that it was at room temperature.
  • With respect to humidity. Spathiphyllum - the culture of the tropics, so is a lover of humidity. Spray it when the air in the room is very overdried. Can purchase a humidifier, in this case, it is convenient to use.
  • As for fertilizer. They needed a culture all year round. From spring to autumn period Spathiphyllum is characterized by active growth and development. At this time, fertilize it once in 14-15 days. The rest period is recommended to apply fertilizer once every 30 days.

So why he does not bloom?

When the culture does not want to bloom, pay attention to the following points:

  • The size of the container is too large. This culture prefers to "close" the pot when the roots are arranged plump and leave no voids.
  • Remove the old plant faded inflorescences. Recent rapid manner and will long to please flowering.
  • Not enough or conversely a lot of moisture or additional forage. Because of this, the same can be dry and covered with mottled foliage.
Follow simple rules and a long flowering plant can bring you joy.

And you grow Spathiphyllum?

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