I managed to get rid of wireworms in the garden: a personal experience

  • Dec 24, 2019

With such a threat as wireworms risk facing each gardeners. Prevent its occurrence is not easy, and it means that the entire crop is in jeopardy. Moreover, if it is to propagate, then get rid of it will not be easy, because the larvae of this pest does not lose activity for several years. Today we look at a phased scheme of pest control.

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Destroy the pest during harvest

If you find traces of the pest by the end of summer, start to fight on par with the harvest. Root lesion with signs to dig and disposed of by incineration. Dig deep enough to able to remove all the roots. If you do not, wireworms continue its subversive activities.

Autumn traps

Once you collect the harvest, make a trap. Sprinkle the pile of hay and straw on the garden beds and wait. Part of the cover boards and the film, the rest leave without shelter. At the end of the week collect ambush and immediately burn. This method is quite effective, because wireworms pleasure taken in preyuschuyu tops.

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Deep digging before the frosts

To hide from the cold of winter, the larvae climb into the deep in the ground, so it should be a good dig to a depth of bayonet spade. Try to do this before the arrival of frost days.

Opt for this warm day and late afternoon proceed to digging. You will be able to dig up a huge number of larvae that are ready for the winter, and in the end turned out to be frozen.

spring bait

In the spring, before the roots to plant, set up traps. Fit the hooks of the wire pieces of potatoes and carrots. Dig deep into the ground bait (to a depth of 8-10). After 2-3 days you can collect them. On some of them you are sure to find the pests. The procedure of this kind can prodelyvat before planting vegetable crops.

soil disinfection before planting

Before planting vegetables in the soil to be decontaminated without fail. For this fit potassium permanganate solution. Dissolve in a bucket of water 5 g of material. On each bush 0.5 liters of fluid is required. In order to prevent possible to carry out processing of soil in the furrows and near the beds.

Adding onion peel during planting time

When you start planting potatoes, fill each well a little dry onion peel. It's sure to deter wireworms from the roots. You can mix the onion peel with a small amount of wood ash.

Processing crops summer

In the summer you need to continue to fight the pest. Every 7 days watering nettle roots. Fill the bucket of 0.5 kg chopped nettles, pour the water and leave for the day. Under each bush need to make 0.5 liters.

When it's harvest time, you make sure that all your efforts were not in vain.

This and many other materials can be found on our website.

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