When and how to spud potatoes

  • Dec 24, 2019

With potato cultivation rules have read every gardener. Most often, newcomers to the question, how to spud it and what is needed such manipulations? At first glance it may seem that with hilling should not be difficult - enough to take Ridger and initiate the procedure in the warm weather. However, if you intend to collect a good crop, you need to follow the rules of agricultural technology and choose to do the appropriate gardening tools.

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Why spud potatoes

Hilling is considered to be a difficult process that requires a lot of time. Its implementation can increase yields by 30%. If you do it twice in a season, it is possible to achieve the following:

  • reduce the number of green tubers;
  • reduce leaching of nutrients from the soil;
  • retain air and water in the root area;
  • prevent lodging of the stems;
  • to form a powerful, extensive root system.
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Important!To undertake this work is permissible only if the culture grows on clay or loamy soil. Carry out the procedure in the sand does not make sense - water and liquid fertilizer will slide and reach the roots.

How to Prepare for hilling potatoes

Hilling held on the same day as the weeding. If you are not limited in time, you can do it on different days. Ideal to spend weeding few who can, as a rule, eliminated large weeds that obscure young bushes. Small grass dies, since at the time of earthing up occurs damage of the roots, and nutrients until it does not reach.

It is also possible to grow potatoes on technology that does not involve conduct hilling and weeding. For this portion of the straw is covered and placed in planting green manure.

Before many vacationers are often the question arises, in which fertilizers culture needs to hilling. To increase yields to feed this culture needed several times a season, alternating between the root feeding with foliar.

If you plan to combine these procedures, as makeup, choose a fertilizer with a high nitrogen content. To prepare the solution, dilute 10 l of water 20 g of ammonium nitrate and the same amount of potassium sulfate. This dosage contains 1 sq. m. The ridge. Good results are obtained nitrophoska (50 g per 1 sq. m.) or NPK (30 g per 1 sq. m.).

When you need to spud potatoes

The exact timing is difficult to call, as they depend on general relativity, in what area is your site, the weather conditions and on which variety you choose. However, there are common periods in the development of this culture, which will be hard to miss, even novice gardeners.

To start messing around with the first possible after the appearance of the first leaves. Bushes should reach 7-10 cm in height. This will save the culture from the return of frost, and will contribute to promoting the growth of the root system. The second ridging can begin after 14 days, the third - after 30 days. If the time is not enough, a second procedure can be ignored. In the flowering period to carry out such work should not - if you do not have time to do so before the opening of buds, do it after or does not carry out the procedure.

Adaptations for hilling potatoes

Many gardeners spend messing around, using gardening tools in the form of a chopper. It is not necessary to trouble themselves with such work, because the market today presented a technique that is designed to facilitate this process and to preserve the health of your back.

Hilling potatoes motor-block

Ridging by motor cultivator it is considered the most convenient. Of course, afford such a technique can not everyone, but if you have the opportunity to allocate funds from its budget, you will appreciate all its advantages. Please note that in addition to the walking tractor you have to buy a variety of nozzles.

Application motoblock requires strictly calibrated, the same distance between the rows. Another significant drawback of this method lies in the fact that at the time of hilling a risk to injure a large number of tubers. To carry out the work on the walk-behind tractor have to install a ripper 2 front and 1 rear Ridger.

Hilling potatoes rotary hiller

Compared with tillers, hand-Hiller is considered a budget option. Moreover, if we work hard, you can make yourself. The device is a handle with a handle and two piles, the location of which can be controlled slope. Manual hiller can handle different parts of the aisle, not only where the potatoes grow.

In itself, the device is lightweight, but the procedure with his participation can be quite tedious. Each time privalivanii a bush spiked 5-10 cm of soil.

Hilling potatoes cultivator

Great demand also enjoy the mechanical and automatic cultivators. Some of them loose soil, the other under the force to carry out a full-fledged ridging rows.

Important!Regardless of whether you will control the cultivator themselves or entrust the task to a small motor, make sure that exactly how you do it.

Plow for hilling potatoes

Plow is the oldest inventory, which is carried out by means of earthing up potatoes. Work with him, you can own or with the help of horses. The tool can also be attached to the tillers.

This method gives good results, it eliminates the trauma of root crops, does not imply a significant financial investment. However, the work requires a lot of effort, so today the plow is not so in demand among those who are engaged in the cultivation of potatoes.

If you still decide to try the plow, prefer a light fixture as to process the several acres of land for a day with a heavy copy will not be easy.

Chopper for hilling potatoes

The easiest way to budget and hilling - is to use ordinary hoes, shovels, hoes. Whatever tools you choose, you have to work manually and put a lot of effort. The point is on the ground podgrebanii bushes of rows. Manual earthing does not guarantee the elimination of weeds, so it's worth a walk through the rows and pull the excess grass to carry out such work.

And which of these methods you will spud?

walk-behind tractor (Put in comments 1)
rotary hiller (Put in comments 2)
cultivator (Put in comments 3)
plow (Put in comments 4)
hoe (Put in comments 5)

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