7 the best-perennial flowers are not afraid of drought

  • Dec 24, 2019

If there is a corner with lots of sunlight, where most crops can not grow and fade in your garden with the absence of rainfall, we can offer you seven options worthy of plants that will be great to feel like conditions.

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It is a beautiful and catchy chamomile. After Echinacea purpurea and Echinacea Strange brought a large number of varieties with different heights, sizes and colors of flowers. Choose to be happy!

The plant is unpretentious, like a lot of sunlight and steadfastly maintains the lack of moisture. Choose this culture, if you decide to grow beautiful flowers and unpretentious.
A more notable big Echinacea middle and a slight slope down petals. Photo illustrations for an article taken from the Internet
A more notable big Echinacea middle and a slight slope down petals. Photo illustrations for an article taken from the Internet

Phlox styloid

Bright cover crops with sharp leaves, due to which this kind of so-called. However, the leaves hardly make out of the density of flowers! It creates a visible sense of dense carpets, exuding a magical flavor. This light-requiring culture, in the shade can stretch out and lose in other decorative flowers that grow under bright sunlight. But in a period of prolonged drought phlox still require watering.

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A good choice is the use of the styloid phlox for landings about paths or uneven ground decor. Suitable as a culture for flower bed borders. The color scheme of the most diverse plants.

Alpine aster

Astra long-term - not the culture that we plant with the help of seedlings for lush flowering in late summer and spring seasons. If you need an unpretentious, drought-resistant and rays of sun flower, feel free to choose the low alpine aster.

Flowering begins in its first summer month, and for a long time it can be a decoration for your flower garden. On your site suitable for various compositions of the colors.


Small green succulent, not carrying a lot of moisture and sunlight. If specially designed to be planted in open areas!

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Penoplex at low prices! Full range. Discounts on the number. There is a delivery across SPb and area. Learn bolshepenoplex-spb.ruYandeks. DirektMolodila look great in landscape composition with stones. And not only!

Standard solution of the steppes

Stipa do not often see in the flowerbeds. Although the culture looks pretty good, it brings into landscaping the site notes wild steppes and a certain eccentricity.

Priukraste your site custom culture, feather plant in a dry and bright place. Do not worry: in the hottest summer flower retains its decorative effect.

The plant will look good if it is put separately as well as in the collection flower garden. It's a pretty high culture, so they put it in the background: the "wave of the sea" can serve as the perfect backdrop for smaller neighboring flowers.


Solar "Daisy". It could easily spend the winter harsh winter of the middle band. Blooms for a long time - the first summer months to frost!

Bright and high rudbeckia in a garden
Bright and high rudbeckia in a garden

bright stonecrops

Culture, succulents, they almost do not need to be watered! Frugally stored in its dense foliage moisture from the ground and air, in the dry season to spend it in the required quantities.

There are a large number of species. For example, a prominent stonecrop grow a large bush, and can decorate any flower garden sunny! Very advantageous looks groundcover stonecrop, great "gostyaschy" on the alpine hill.

This and many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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