Why are tomatoes and peppers curled leaves and what to do?

  • Dec 24, 2019
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If you have just started to engage in the cultivation of tomatoes or peppers seedling method, you may encounter some difficulties. The most common problem - a yellowing, curling and dry leaves. Initially, you have to do - is to determine the cause, and then take action. The thing is that the twisted leaves contribute to disruption of photosynthesis, which is fraught with serious consequences.

Causes of leaf roll in seedlings and other plants planted in the ground or in a greenhouse, may be the same. If you ignore the rules of agricultural technology, it is possible that the plant will cease to fully develop and give the harvest. So, if you notice that the leaves began to turn yellow, curl and wither, make an effort to save it and collect juicy fragrant fruit.

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Leaves of tomato and pepper roll upward

If tomato leaf curl up likely culture lacks copper or magnesium. To energize the plant may be made therein based solution of copper sulphate (1 hr. l.) and magnesium sulfate (2 tbsp. l.). This number is intended by 10 L of water. Under a bush need to make 0.5 liters of fertilizing composition.

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In some cases, leaves, turning in, can indicate an excess of moisture. In the days when it rains, the plants were planted in the greenhouse, should not be watered. As for those that are in an open area, then they need to build a canopy of the film.

The leaves of tomatoes and peppers curled into

Folding leaves inside - one of the signs that the plant requires fertilizing phosphorus. For the preparation of fertilizer needed to dissolve 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate 5 liters of boiling water and allow the composition to stand for 24 hours. Bring the amount of liquid to 10 liters and fill for each bush 0.5 liters of solution.

Often the leaves of seedlings are twisted inwards due to diseased or pest. With regard to the pernicious insects that attack the seedlings of tomato and peppers can aphids, whiteflies, mites.

To improve the plant should spend treatment using insecticides. One can also use a less aggressive means in the form of infusion onion skin (1 cup 10 liters of water). Writing fluid brew for about 24 hours and then spray bushes peppers and tomatoes. Perform the procedure you need every 5 days until until signs of disease disappear. Suitable for soil disinfection 1% solution of potassium permanganate.

In some cases, the leaves of the seedlings can be phased out due to a disease that is not treatable. In this case, the pathogens are the viruses, bacteria, fungi. To avoid exposing the death of the plant, it is necessary to conduct regular inspection. If the time to detect signs of the disease, you can prevent it from spreading.

Wilt in tomato leaves
Wilt in tomato leaves

The leaves of tomatoes and peppers are rolled into a tube

If the leaves curl up into tubes, it could signal a poorly developed root system, or of damage to the roots at the time of transplant. The plant is in a state of stress, which is considered quite natural phenomenon. You should wait for a while until the seedlings are not acclimatized. Most likely, the symptoms will disappear, but if this does not happen, you can save the plant by watering stimulator rooting.

The reasons for changing the appearance of the leaves can also be counted among the wrong pasynkovanie and topping. This happens if you delete a large number of laterals, or if they are removed too late.

To avoid such consequences, eliminates stepchildren time. This should be done before they reach 5 cm. Facilitate the state of the plant, abiding in stress, you can use the bio-stimulants.

One should not exclude the fact that the plants suffer from a deficiency of phosphorus. To make up for the lack of the element, it is recommended to make under the bush superphosphate or organic fertilizer. As a final fit fish infusion. For its preparation pour 0.5 kg of fish 10 l of warm water and allow fluid brew for about 24 hours. The formulation is then strain and dilute with water 1: 1. On each bush require 1 liter of solution. This natural remedy has one significant drawback: the smell on your site is not the most pleasant, so is it worth to go to such measures, up to you.

The leaves of tomatoes and peppers are twisted into a spiral

When the leaves of peppers and tomatoes have begun to curl into a spiral, it may indicate that they need zinc. To fix this you need to feed a plant fertilizer as follows: 30 g of superphosphate and 50 g ash pour 1 liter of water, to give a means to infuse 1.5 hours, after which the amount of fluid to bring 9 l. Under each bush should be poured 0.5 liters of solution.

In tomatoes and peppers are rolled upper leaves

If you find that the seedlings of peppers or tomatoes began to curl leaves growing from the top, it is possible that this is due to a violation of the balance of macro- and micronutrients.

With an excess of nitrogen upper leaves begin to curl and dark, and their edges become red-violet. In this case, it will help complete fertilizer. It is also possible to save the situation by seeding ash soil (3 mm layer). After making this tool, you need to land abundantly watered.

Seedlings planted in the greenhouse, it is necessary to energize the potassium nitrate. To prepare the fertilizer should be diluted in 10 liters of water 2 tbsp. l. the drug. moisture deficiency can also lead to twisting of upper leaves. To prevent this, you need to provide them with proper watering.

Keep crops under the film to the point until there are shoots. Mist the soil with water every morning. With the appearance of the first shoots pause watering for 2-4 days, after which the film is slightly open and moisten soil 1-2 times a week.

2 days before the pick, do not water plants, then take a break for 4-5 days, subsequently 1 watering once a week.

Uneven growth - another reason why leaf roll. This is due to the fact that midribs grows and drawn out, and the lamina has not time to grow, and causes curling. Worry about in this case is not necessary, but if you want to correct the situation, place pots of seedlings in a warm and well lit room.

In tomato and pepper twisted lower leaves

The appearance of brown spots or brown specks on the lower leaves of plants and their twisting says molybdenum shortage. To make up the deficit, it is possible to feed the plant superphosphate and ashes. Normalize the acidity of the soil can be achieved by the prior of ash. Thus the tomatoes will absorb more phosphorus, the lack of which is one of the causes of leaf roll. In order to feed on tomato 1 sq. m. section 3 need art. l. ash.

Why twisted leaves of tomatoes and peppers in a greenhouse

If you fold the leaves of tomatoes, which are in the hothouse environment, you need to pay attention to the temperature and to maintain soil moisture.

When there is no possibility to carry out regular watering, you can use the device for drip irrigation. To support the optimal level of moisture and reducing the number of weeds, it is recommended to cover the layer of soil mulch. Try to regularly ventilate the greenhouse. On hot days, it Cover the spandbond. So you will be able to reduce the temperature inside the greenhouse by a few degrees.

Lack of sunlight also leads to curling of leaves. In some cases, solve the problem allows trimming tree branches that grow close to the shade and greenhouse. A good effect is treatment of bushes 1% solution of potassium permanganate.

If you notice that you have grown tomatoes or peppers curled leaves, do not panic. The first thing you need to do is find the cause and eliminate it. Moreover, in some cases, it is considered a natural phenomenon. For example, twisting of leaves typical of the cherry tomatoes.

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