The easiest way to make compost quickly

  • Dec 24, 2019

The composting is no big deal. Its components can be peel bananas, bits of cabbage heads, leaves, weeds. All these wastes are a huge benefit for a garden plot. How can I cook it? About it and talk.

The composting is no big deal
The composting is no big deal

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Box, or a bunch of switch-punch?

First you have to select the container in which you will store the compost. In this case, it all depends on the size of the garden and on your preference. If the garden has a large area, a huge pile of need for it. For a small suburban area only a small tumbler-punch.

When choosing, consider the following factors:

  • The amount of waste to be composted. If your garden is large and it accumulates a lot of organic waste in the form of grass clippings, leaves, twigs, you will need a huge capacity, which will be a process of their processing. When it comes to color fading and weeds and lawn modest size, it is necessary to stop the choice on a compact box, bin or tumbler.
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  • Aesthetics. If you do not want to contemplate the day on the site compost pile, put a container of waste for a garage or other structure. You can also purchase a special box or make a decorative fence hole.
  • The volume of compost, which will be mixed. To speed up the process of decomposition of garbage, it will require regular stirring. If for any reason you can not make it, you can purchase a composter or look at the version of composting with worms.

Regardless of which option you choose, with compost area should be positioned so that you could get to it without any problems. Preferably place it in a well-lighted place - the more sun, the more active the process of decomposition of waste.

What is compost?

As suitable waste plant material. Everything that was previously thought the plant can safely send to the compost pit. Of course, use the meat, bones, dairy products is unacceptable, because they may contain pathogenic bacteria that accompany the development of pests. All components of the compost can be divided into two groups: the "green" and "brown". At first there is a large amount of nitrogen. They are saturated with moisture, decompose rapidly. The second carbon-rich. They are not filled with moisture, the expansion process is not so active.

As suitable waste plant material
As suitable waste plant material

By "green" ingredients of compost can be ranked as vegetable waste, grass clippings, weeds, coffee grounds, manure, shells from eggs. "Brown" are fallen leaves, straw, cardboard, scraps of newspapers, twigs, sawdust.

If everything is done according to the rules, both options can lay waste to the compost pit in layers. However, not all are available fallen leaves, mountain grass cuttings, vegetable peels, which can be expanded with beautiful layers. You can go the other way. It is sufficient to add the garbage in the compost pile as it arrives and accumulation. As for the ratio of "green" and brown ", then this point is still worth considering. To speed up the process of decomposition of plant debris, it is important to take into account the ratio of waste to compost pit. At 30 parts brown ingredients require 1 part green.

In a conventional garden accumulates a lot more "green" waste, rather than "brown". If you need to make compost faster, throw to him plant debris as they become available. If you notice that the compost has become too moist and the decomposition process of waste slowed supplement it by the fact that carbon-rich. This can be fallen leaves, extracts from newspapers.

How to maintain a compost pile or box in proper condition?

The compost needs regular stirring. It is also necessary to control the level of humidity. To carry out the stirring is necessary in any convenient method. If you refer to this switch, it will rotate daily - no manipulation from you is not required.

The compost needs regular stirring
The compost needs regular stirring

If you are filled with plant residues box or pit, then mixing them will have to use garden tools in the form of a shovel or pitchfork. Flip trash need every 7 days. Thus, the compost will be aired and thoroughly mixed. With this task to handle not everyone. If for some reason you can not work physically, you can stick a pitchfork deep and rotate them. Due to such actions in the compost gets more air, which in turn will accelerate the decomposition of organic waste.

In the latter case, do not compost quickly "matures", but if you can not turn it manually, this option will be the best solution. In order to maintain the compost in good condition, you need to follow the best indicator of humidity. It must be like a sponge wrung out at the one hand it is wet, but on the other - not so much that it managed to squeeze out the liquid.

If you overdo it with the moisture of compost, it will come from unpleasant odor. Lack of moisture will lead to the fact that waste simply will not decompose. If you notice that the compost becomes too wet, add it torn newspapers, fallen leaves. "Brown" waste are able to absorb excess moisture.

During a period not throw in a bunch of "green" waste. Such components are not required until such time as the humidity returns to normal. If the compost becomes too wet due to rainfall, erecting a protective cover in the form of a tarpaulin.
During a period not throw in a bunch of "green" waste
During a period not throw in a bunch of "green" waste

To moisturize dry compost heap, just spray it with water. For this fit a hose or watering can. It is possible to pour water topsheet plant debris, so that it has penetrated deep into the moistened and all other components of the pile.

Using your compost

The fact that the compost is ready to testify his scent. Recycled garbage should smell like a dark, nutrient-rich soil.

Use compost can be in the garden, on the lawn, for growing plants in pots. Remember, compost does not happen much, so proceed to its manufacture as soon as possible!

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