The menu for the leaders and politicians: corny or strange whim of famous dictators

  • Dec 24, 2019
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They loved to eat dictators.
They loved to eat dictators.

Known political figures of the twentieth century was available almost every whim. However, despite this, many of the dictators and politicians had a rather peculiar taste preferences, often not even expensive. What was the secret of the daily menu of great people and why they rarely allow themselves to culinary delights - a historical mystery which edition decided to shed some light.

1. Mao Zedong

It is not surprising that the great Chinese love tea. / Photo:
It is not surprising that the great Chinese love tea. / Photo:

The famous statesman and political leader of China's diet has not adhered to. Mao Zedong led a quite unhealthy and chaotic life, constantly drinking strong green tea and smoked a lot. He ate when able to find at this time and there is a feeling of hunger.

Great figure needed no special conditions for dinner: it was possible to do without the table and cutlery, he ate rather quickly, often in solitude or for any interesting book. Food is also not distinguished elegance: Mao Zedong loved coarse varieties of rice with vegetables and stews. Favorite meal: fresh carp, the dried over a fire red pepper and braised pork in soy sauce. By the way, Red Hot Peppers Mao Zedong could eat just whole pods, and several pieces in a row.

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2. Benito Mussolini

Family man. / Photo:
Family man. / Photo:

Benito Mussolini recognized only Italian cuisine. And he thought of the French food is simply useless. Great figure very much appreciated family dinners, so all members of the family (wife and five children) at least once a day, be sure to gather all together at the same dinner table. Deserves special attention culinary preference Mussolini was: garlic salad. Chopped garlic Benito eaten together with olive oil and lemon juice.

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3. Adolf Gitler

15 tasters women worked for Hitler for his safety. / Photo:
15 tasters women worked for Hitler for his safety. / Photo:

In 1931, Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian diet. The most common dishes for his meals were boiled cauliflower, pasta and peas. Some historians believe that the Fuhrer is not just held this meager diet. They claim that Adolf Hitler considered vegetarianism as part of its special ideology. This conclusion is based on the parallels: like as eating meat pollutes the human gene pool in the same way as the mixture of races. However, a common theory, which deals with the Fuhrer of the diet is that it was weak digestion: Politicians often suffer from bloating and constipation.

However, a diet without meat does not help, so by the end of World War II, Adolf Hitler began to prefer extremely hot soups and chopped vegetables. But great men without high manners are not, therefore, in his younger years, Hitler recognized his favorite food chicks "in the Hamburg". This dish was a young pigeon, stuffed with chicken liver, tongue and pistachios. Not a bad choice.

Interesting fact: Due to the great emotional pressure, constant stress and fear of poisoning in most of the political chapters of the twentieth century, it was indigestion. And many of the prominent figures came from the common people, so their eating habits differed simplicity and directness. For example, Adolf Hitler was a 15-tasters women who checked his food for the presence of poison. Only 45 minutes after checking them Führer proceeded to dinner.

4. Kim Jong Il

Of particular relevance to food and to yourself. In the photo, Kim Jong-un / Photo:
Of particular relevance to food and to yourself. In the photo, Kim Jong-un / Photo:

The ruler of North Korea, despite the economic decline of the country, loved to pamper yourself with exquisite dishes. For example, traveling in his famous armored train, Kim Jong Il did not hesitate to ask to bring it on the plane with fresh lobster, which preferred to drink champagne. No less a culinary delight he called shark fins with cooked meat dogs.

Many residents of Korea believe that dog meat is able to make a person immune. Kim Jong Il attached great importance not only to the quality and type of food, but also its size: it has always been a particular wish that all the food on the table was the same size. The absurdity of this wish has reached the point that a special team of women involved in the selection of rice to large pieces of history that all risinki match.

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5. Saddam Hussein

White smile is only possible with the right diet. / Photo:
White smile is only possible with the right diet. / Photo:

Saddam Hussein - a famous lover of a tasty meal. Western food, he categorically did not take. An important mark on diet figure also imposed a health problem, Saddam Hussein had to stick to the diet, which was based on vegetables, soups and fried chicken. But most of all he loved the meal "masguf" - fish prepared over an open fire. Sometimes even Saddam Hussein himself was fishing for cooking your favorite meals. Another interesting culinary oddity politician was fresh fresh camel milk. He was sure that it was this drink gives a beautiful white teeth.

6. Idi Amin

A popular amateur oranges. / Photo:
A popular amateur oranges. / Photo:

The President of Uganda is considered one of the most distinctive and controversial dictators of the twentieth century. What was unusual was his rule, appearance and actions. Culinary preferences too many different eccentricities. For example, a politician liked to eat in the day, about 40 oranges, because he was sure that they are responsible for a surge of male power. But most of all it was to taste millet bread and meat goat. In addition Idi Amin after his exile loved foreign fast food and began to organize every evening at 5 pm pretty interesting Tea Party, which by its customs and conduct was a hair's breadth as a British Queen.

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And these 25 cases of many dictators have tried to keep in the strictest confidence.
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