Most indoor plants with beautiful blooms

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Pets are living flowers adorn any home that needs attention, the organization competent care and conditions depending on the season. But not all have plenty of time to decorate the window sill. Here we look at five indoor crops that are highly decorative and richly flowering, require for growing quite a bit of time and effort.

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Kalanchoe - a "green doctor"

About twenty years ago, this plant is grown at home for therapeutic purposes. Together with the "aloe" (aloe vera) were the first to the podium among medicinal pot cultures. However, the "appearance" was by no means unattractive. Shoots can stretch, blooming culture in general is very rare. Currently, we brought bright hybrid varieties with impressive colors: orange, white, red!

But still surprisingly unpretentious culture. The fleshy leaves of stored moisture, so without much experience, you can skip watering, "appearance" house plant will not suffer. Also Kalanchoe could easily transfer the growing conditions in the shadows, is not affected by temperature drops and will require a "transplant myself" once in five years, as developed slowly pace.

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white kalanchoe
white kalanchoe

Begonia vechnotsvetuschaya

Will be the decoration of indoor windowsill virtually all year round, so exactly what its 'name'. Can bloom in winter (only flowers will be a little thin). But in the spring and summer of the flowers will not make out the leaves!

These cultures of different colors and with different forms of flowers. Many Terry to taste variety, which is dotted with delicate flowers.

The plant has roots, not tubers. Successfully grow in any soil type, can easily take root and grow rapidly. It has one single condition - regular watering. Life expectancy is short of flowers, old quickly changed to fresh. Accordingly, dead buds you will see on screen daily, have to constantly pick them.

"Sunshine" Kalanchoe
"Sunshine" Kalanchoe

Pelargonium (geranium)

May be interested in flashy umbrellas and unpretentiousness when growing. Another name - "Grandma's Flower", many plant grows and blooms profusely all year round.

Contrary to all the rules of today's domestic crop: in tremendous containers in a simple garden land, without a stable additional forage. But, of course, if you wish to culture bloomed profusely, be sure to plant it in the ground, designed specifically for flowering plants; capacity should be bulky and must be periodically plant "coax" different fertilize.

Pelargonium breeds easily and is growing rapidly. Entrenched stalks in water, and it will bloom in three to four months, and perhaps even earlier. When spring comes, you can plant the seeds of culture to the summer season flower has grown.

"Sunshine" Kalanchoe
"Sunshine" Kalanchoe

Impatiens Waller, aka Vanka wet or light

Luxuriantly blooming, flowers in his simple, colorful or terry. Is able to predict the weather. If the edges of the leaves appeared kapelki- crystals, then - wait for rain.

Can quickly grow from seed or cuttings. Beautiful branches, forms a lush bush. Do not forget about topping. The plant is a lover of sunlight when it is enough, Impatiens will be the floral decoration of your home almost all year round. As it can not be transplanted within four years.

Raspberry terry Impatiens Waller (Photo from Internet)
Raspberry terry Impatiens Waller (Photo from Internet)

Phalaenopsis Orchid - epiphyte of tropical forests

This type of orchid is not capricious. It does not require you to effortlessly when growing indoors, despite the fact that is an exotic culture.

It is epiphytes (in the wild "lives" on trees) respectively fed by means of aerial roots. It is advisable to buy a special primer and a transparent container.

Orchids can be once a month to water by means of "immersion", every day or two to spray the green part, pamper complex liquid dressings. Nothing else is required! The plant will produce fresh hands and form a large number of buds.

This and many other materials can be found on our website.

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